A Happy World

Hey, everyone! I just got inspired by a drawing I drew. You’ll see a picture of my drawing at the bottom in this blog post. Anyway, here’s a story based on the drawing.

One day, a bird picked up a seed to eat. A few minutes later, the bird decided that it wasn’t the right seed. The bird threw it back down. That was the beginning of the Happy World.

As the years past, the tree grew until it had several branches and a strong trunk. The strong tree became known as the Happy Tree. The Happy Tree decided to produce a seed. The seed grew with happiness and love. One day, the seed blossomed into a young beautiful tree that didn’t grow much after that point.

The young tree became known as the Amazing Beauty Tree. The Amazing Beauty Tree saw the Happy Tree. Suddenly, she realized that she wanted to know who produced her. She asked the Happy Tree if it was him who planted her. He said yes and Amazing Beauty wanted to produce a seed of her own.

She let the bird fly the seed to the Happy World. The seed became a thin beautiful conifer tree. The tree produced identical seeds until there was almost no room to plant seeds. After that the trees started planting grass seeds. After the grass had grown, there was no room to plant seeds.

A few years later, the several earthquakes that would become the mountains shook the world. The trees, birds, and grass survived. They noticed something different about the landscape and they saw triangular tall figures. They soon realized that they had saw a mountain. About the same time, their roots filled with water and animals.

One year later, humans discovered the Happy World and decided to make a small town out of it. They also made cars, rockets, and kites. The sun, clouds, rain, hail, snow, and thunderstorms were always there but they were nicer than outside of the Happy World. Everyone lived happily. If you go into a forest, you will realize that the Happy World is the forest.

Happy World

The happy world includes geese, ducks, rabbits, birds, car, rocket, city, trees, grass, and more. I hope you enjoy!

Emotions With Animals: Hyper Beavers

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to the Emotions With Animals blog series. The emotion is hyper and the animal is beaver.

Beavers are hyper because most beavers are nocturnal. They get really hyper when some loud noise scares it away.

People are hyper for several reasons. For example, sugar can make you hyper. They can also get too excited or anxious and that can result in being hyper.

How to Avoid Being Hyper:

Connecting with the hyperness.

Take Deep Breaths.

Practice Meditation.

Practice Mindfulness.

I hope you enjoyed. Visit Camilla at https://www.camilladowns.com/ and Thomas at https://www.thomasadarnell.com/.


Here’s some of the blog posts:

Rainbow Love

(This is a sneak peek below. The picture is included).

Once there lived 2 rainbows who didn’t want to separate for the love of nature. Their names were Candy Rainbow and Princess Rainbow. One day, Candy Rainbow was accidentally separated from Princess. What they didn’t know was the Nature fairy had split them in half.

Latest Weather: Thunderstorms

A thunderstorm is a storm with lightning and thunder. It is produced by a cumulonimbus cloud, usually producing gusty winds, heavy rain and sometimes hail but not always in the Western USA. The basic ingredients used to make a thunderstorm are moisture, unstable air and lift.


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I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of love and gratefulness …xoxo

Emotions With Animals: Calm Monarch Butterflies

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to this week’s Emotion With Animals. (You get 2 Emotions With Animals editions this week). This edition of Emotions With Animals is in honor of a monarch butterfly flying so close to my head and my home. I hope you enjoy!

Monarch butterflies are calm when they’re flying. They might also be calmer after they eat some monarch butterfly friendly plants.

When you or someone else is calm, you will feel a lot better. You will be more confident and relaxed. You will be happy, mindful, grateful, thankful and joyful.

Take a moment to read this quote. If you want to, share it with family, friends, and relatives.

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” – Buddha

How To Be Calm:

If you have anger: You should talk it out with someone you trust. See Angry Ducks for more ideas.

If you have sadness: It’s okay to be sad. See Sad Cats for more ideas.

If you have jealousy: Go to Emotions With Animals: Jealous Parrots to find what to do.

If you have mischief: Go to Emotions With Animals: Mischievous Pelicans to find out what to do.

Om Shanti Om: It’s a mantra.

Take a deep breath.

Step outside for a moment.

Draw or write.

Go for a walk.

Connecting with whatever feeling that is making you feel not calm.


I hope you enjoyed.

A calm monarch butterfly touching the water rippling it’s reflection.

Come back this week for another edition of Emotions With Animals. Go to https://www.camilladowns.com/ to see Camilla’s blog posts.

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I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of love and gratefulness …xoxo

Emotions For Animals: Love as Chimpanzees

Hey, everyone! (I know this edition was a little late). Welcome back to this week’s edition of Emotions For Animals! This time, it’s Chimps (also known as Chimpanzees). I hope you enjoy!

Chimp love is almost like a person love. They kiss, embrace, hug, talk and, groom. Are you wondering how much chimps are like people? (Visit the next paragraph to find out).

People love is basically kissing, hugging, talking, kind teasing, and living together. If you’re a kid, it’s usually a bit more filtered than your parent(s). They will tuck you in, brush your hair, brush your teeth, floss your teeth, take your clothes off, reading to you, and put on clothes.

How To Feel (or Be) Loved: 

Initiate meaningful conversations: Create bonds or relationships is the first step in being deeply loved.

You can do  this with anyone at almost any time simply by asking about the other person, fully listening to what they have to say, and then finding common ground. Some people might choose to shut down but it may be worth the riskiness of feeling powerless to find people who won’t shut down.

Open up your love value: Like a heart keeps blood from flowing backward, the love value blocks the flow of energy in your given influence. Come into the moment, take the pressure off the situation, and avoid the urge to fill silences with chatter. Instead, picture the interaction as something cyclical in nature, where there’s a balance of sharing and listening, giving and receiving.

When we clear the mental clutter and allow this type of flow, we are in essence choosing to be love.

Change your beliefs about the world and love:

If you tell yourself that people don’t care, you’ll put that energy into the world and then easily find evidence to back it up. If you tell yourself you’ll never experience love, you’ll create mental barriers and then subconsciously repel it. Tell yourself a different story from this paragraph: There’s a lot of love in the world, there’s plenty to go around, you deserve it, and it’s coming to you every day.

Love Yourself: Don’t say judgemental things or say bad things about yourself.

Chimp love!

I hope you enjoyed! Tune in this week for the next Emotions With Animals blog post. Also don’t forget to check out Camilla’s blog for more love themed blog posts.

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I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of love and gratefulness …xoxo

Emotions With Animals: Fearful Fish

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to this week’s edition of Emotions With Animals! As you know summer is almost and I did a weekly story with a sprinkle of summer in it. Go to Mischievous Popsicles to read it. I decided to post this edition a day early!

Fearful fish look into a mirror or reflection. Depending on the type of fish they may quarrel their reflection. Some fishes don’t see well.

Fearful people can get hurt backs, stubbornness, dizziness, and more. Being fearful can be dangerous if you’re not careful.

How To Be Fearless:

Aware: Notice when you experience feelings of fear.

Remind: Next time you notice the fear inside you, remind yourself that it’s ‘all in the mind’ and that ‘80% of fears never happen’.

Ask: Ask yourself ‘what’s the worst thing that can happen if I do this?’. Ask yourself ‘how is this fear impacting my life?’

Write: Write down a few ways to deal with the worst case scenario – often when we get our thoughts out of our heads and down onto paper the fear will disappear.

Get Rid of Fears: Take a deep breath and overcome your fears. You should listen to your body. It will tell you when it’s ready.

Fearful: It’s okay to be fearful.

Thinking: The thoughts you are having might be keeping you from being fearless.

Feelings: Your emotions might also keep you from being fearless. Notice your thoughts and ask yourself,”Is that true?” Physically, feel the feeling. (This blogpost may help). See the section Asking for more.

Patient: Be patient with yourself.

Quiet: Be quiet and still. Saying to yourself you will progress through your fears.

I hope you enjoyed my blog post. Tune in the Friday after this Friday for the next edition of Emotions With Animals! Visit Camilla’s blog at Mindful Musings for more blog posts.

Beautiful Blue Fish!

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I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of love and gratefulness …xoxo

Emotions With Animals: Mischievous Pelicans

Hey there, everyone! Welcome back to this week’s edition of Emotions With Animals! I recently posted tons of blog posts. Go to https://lilliandarnell.com/2016/05/26/graceful-planets/ to see some of them.

Mischievous pelicans eat fish with their beak and their see-through pouch open. Pelicans will look silly mischievous.

Mischievous people giggle nervously. If you ask someone,”Are you hiding something?” and they might reply no to you. Be careful not to get mischievous yourself!

How To Not Be Mischievous:

Channel Mischief: Channel your mischief into curiosity for things.

Transform: Transform your mischief into a learning experience to keep from doing something dangerous or get you in trouble.

Connecting: Connect with the feeling that comes with mischievous. After you finish connecting with it, go for a walk in nature or anything that will channel the mischief to something (see Channel Mischief for more).

I hope you enjoyed my blog post! Go to Camilla’s website at Mindful Musings if you want to see more. Click on the 2nd link below if you like what I write.

Pelicans In Flight

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I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of gratitude … xoxo

Graceful Planets

Hey there, everyone! I recently wrote Graceful SwansEnchanted Egyptian BeautyA Mindful Mermaid StoryA Sad Princess StoryEmotions With Animals: Sad CatsJealous CrayonsEmotions With Animals: Jealous ParrotsMindful GoslingsAngry Candy StoryEmotions With Animals: Angry Ducks,  and A Happy FairyHappy Dogs.

Once upon a time, there lived a planet named Blue Moon who had always wanted to be graceful but her parental planets didn’t agree yet. She needed proof to prove she wanted to be graceful but she didn’t know yet.

She went to Wild Fruit planet who was very wise. Wild told her to be patient. So she was patient but one day the idea goes into her circular head. She set out to find a graceful planetary animal who would be given to her parental planets as proof.

Finally after looking several planetary nights and days, she found a planet animal called Nebula Sparkles. The animal was incredibly graceful and she asked the animal if she wanted to go back with her to Planetary Moon Sky.

The animal said, “Yes, you may take me back to Moon Sky”. When they arrived, she was greeted and she gave them the animal.  Blue Moon explained that she got the animal for her proof that she was graceful.

Her parental planets talked it over. They finally agreed that she could be graceful. So now whenever you see the Blue Moon, just remember this legend and you may see her parental planets in the distance.

I hope you enjoyed my blog post.

Awesome Blue Moon

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I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of gratitude … xoxo

Sapphire & Topaz Mystery Solver

Hey there! Relax and take a deep breath. You are about to enter a gemstone’s mystery.

Once upon a time, there lived 2 detectives who were named Sapphire and Topaz. They had already solved 3 mysteries. This is their fourth mystery together.

One day, they were walking when they suddenly saw a mystery. They suspected that someone or something was following them. They went home to get an idea of what it could be.

Then they went back to the scene with a magnificent idea to try out. The magnificent idea was to get some yummy food at a local gem restaurant and use it to catch the someone or something.

First, they got some food along the way too because they were hungry also. They walked back to the scene after that. Secondly, they put the food on the sidewalk and looked for a nearby hidden spot to wait.

Fortunately, they saw a bush and a tree; and they hid in those places. Shortly after, they saw a gem animal they’d never seen before. So they went to investigate but the gem animal noticed them looking her.

The gem animal laughed and said, “Hello there! I’m Gem-Topia and I am your new gem neighbor. Can you tell me who both of you are?”Hey there! Nice to meet you, Gem-Topia. I am Sapphire and this is Topaz.” said Sapphire with a chuckle.

So the trio became friends. They spent time together and they were inseparable. I hope you enjoyed my story!

Pretty blue sapphire!

Pretty green topaz!

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I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefited from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of gratitude … xoxo

Graceful Swans

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to this week’s edition of Emotions With Animals! I have recently wrote Enchanted Egyptian BeautyJealous CrayonsEmotions With Animals:: Jealous ParrotsAngry Candy StoryEmotions With Animals: Angry DucksA Sad Princess StoryEmotions With Animals: Sad CatsA Happy FairyHappy DogsA Mindful Mermaid Story, and Mindful Goslings.

Swans gracefully float across wetlands, lakes, ponds, seas. Swans are calm most of the time. Most swans gracefully fly in hibernation season in search for warm water.

Graceful people can float in pools and beaches. People can be calm sometimes. People can walk, swim, play, smile, stand, and sitting gracefully.

How To Be Graceful:

Living: Live in a place full kindness, courage, loving, conviction, non-resistant  and acceptance.

Sleep: Knowing that you’re loved, helps you to go to sleep gracefully.

Connecting With Emotions: It will make you feel graceful afterward.

Responding: Respond with love.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s edition of Emotions With Animals! Check in next week for another round of Emotions With Animals! If you’re waiting for a emotion story, hang in there! It will be next. Don’t forget to check out Camilla’s blog at Mindful Musings.

I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of gratitude … xoxo


Beautiful swan landing. I also got this photo from Google Images!

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Learn About Christmas


Hello, everyone! You might want to know more about Christmas. Thank you for visiting my blog! Christmas is my favorite holiday. In Argentina, the weather is almost always warm at Christmas. Preparations for Christmas begin very early in December and … Continue reading