Fundraising for the 2019 Chromosome 18 Family Conference – Poem Creativity

(This is our group photo from the 2018 Conference in Baltimore)

Hey, everyone! For this year’s fundraising efforts for my family to attend the Chromosome 18 Conference in Colorado Springs, I decided to make customized poems. Here’s some information on the poems:

The poems will be nature themed, fairy themed, mermaid themed, or unicorn themed. Every poem created will be different and uniquely yours! The poem will be made into a lovely graphic image and emailed to you.

Now, here’s some information on what the Chromosome 18 annual conference means to me:

The Chromosome 18 conference means a lot to me because I get to meet new friends and spend time with old friends. It also means a lot to me because I get to travel to a new city with my family.

Me with Rebecca

Macy and me.

The Chromosome 18 conference helps me get over my fears and my emotions. It helps me feel brave, courageous, and enjoyable. Here’s an example: In July 2017, when my family and I were inside the airport, I was fearful, nervous, tired, and afraid; yet, the view I got from the airplane was amazing and it was all worth it.

I want to check out the swimming pool and have fun with new and old friends. I also want to explore the city if the weather and temperature are good. I also want to check out new restaurants.

Here’s a poem as an example:

Butterflies dash and play
Within the golden sunbeams
Dancing in the afternoon sky.

Butterflies fly in the sky like a colorful moving rainbow
Glimmering in the sky.
The sky sparkling like water.

Butterflies dance freely along
the water.
Water sways as it’s greeting the butterflies.

©2019 Lillian Darnell

Use this PayPal link to enter your amount and note whether you would like nature themed, fairy themed, mermaid themed, or unicorn themed. If you would like the printed poem with a border using recycled materials, be sure to include an additional amount for shipping costs.

**You can still purchase prints of my abstract artwork also. Visit this page if interested in that option.**

Here are two poems I’ve recently written for supporters …

Fun Poem Extravaganza

Hey, everyone! As you know, March 21st is World Poetry Day. I’ve decided to write a poem and add a poem from last year and this year to celebrate. Here are some related blog posts:, and I hope you enjoy!

Here’s the first poem I wrote today:

A flower blooms in
the midst of winter
knowingly lasting

Forever running in
a sea of white
as the sun shines.

As its golden petals laid its petals
softly to its soft comfy bed as
it rests in winter.

Here’s the second poem that I wrote last year:

Birds dance in the breeze like ballet dancers
Flowers flow from trees like a waterfall
Trees dance in the sea of grass

Here’s the final poem:

Water is a land
of freedom

Freedom is a gift
of emotion and pride.

While pride is a sea
full of joy.

Emotion is an ocean
full of joy and happiness
with anger and sad falling behind it

As water waves
like a sea of freedom
knowing its beauty awaits.

That’s the end of the poem extravaganza. I hope you enjoyed!


Emotions With Animals: Wise Tortoise & Shy Turtles

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to this week’s bonus edition of Emotions With Animals. The bonus is in honor of water. This week’s edition includes tortoises and freshwater turtles. Let’s begin!

Wise tortoises live longer than average humans. So it makes them seem wise.

Wise people have many experiences. They also meditate.

How To Be Wise:

Know that you are wise from the heart.

Help people. (This might make you feel and be wise.)

Shy turtles are scared of humans. So if you see one, you might be in luck. Turtles can be so shy that if you make any noise they’ll just go back underwater.

Shy people stutter, blush, shake, breathless, or speechless. Shy people might rarely talk. When they do talk, they might be so nervous that they stutter.

How To Avoid Being Shy:

Overcoming your shyness will take practice.

Take slow, steady steps forward. Going slow is okay but be sure to go forward. Stepping back from any situations that trigger you to feel shy can reinforce shyness and keep it at a level that’s hard to get past. Build confidence by taking one small forward step at a time.

It’s okay to feel awkward. It happens to everyone.

Know you can do it.

Be true to yourself.

Pay attention to the thoughts you are having when you’re experiencing shyness.

Remind yourself that no one can see the butterflies in your stomach.

Take deep breaths.

Have sips of water. (This is healthy).

I hope you enjoyed this week’s bonus edition of Emotions with Animals. Tune in next week for the next edition of Emotions With Animals.

A tortoise walking.

Emotions With Animals: Hyper Beavers

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to the Emotions With Animals blog series. The emotion is hyper and the animal is beaver.

Beavers are hyper because most beavers are nocturnal. They get really hyper when some loud noise scares it away.

People are hyper for several reasons. For example, sugar can make you hyper. They can also get too excited or anxious and that can result in being hyper.

How to Avoid Being Hyper:

Connecting with the hyperness.

Take Deep Breaths.

Practice Meditation.

Practice Mindfulness.

I hope you enjoyed. Visit Camilla at and Thomas at


Here’s some of the blog posts:

Rainbow Love

(This is a sneak peek below. The picture is included).

Once there lived 2 rainbows who didn’t want to separate for the love of nature. Their names were Candy Rainbow and Princess Rainbow. One day, Candy Rainbow was accidentally separated from Princess. What they didn’t know was the Nature fairy had split them in half.

Latest Weather: Thunderstorms

A thunderstorm is a storm with lightning and thunder. It is produced by a cumulonimbus cloud, usually producing gusty winds, heavy rain and sometimes hail but not always in the Western USA. The basic ingredients used to make a thunderstorm are moisture, unstable air and lift.


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I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of love and gratefulness …xoxo

Apple Named Calm Sparkle

Hey, everyone! Are you wondering who Calm Sparkle is? If you answered yes, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to find out.

Once there lived a small apple whose name was Calamity. The apple didn’t know how to say Calamity but she was able to say,”Calm Sparkle.” So her name was shortened to Calm S.

True to her name, she grew to be a big calm sparkly apple. One day, she didn’t seem so calm. She explained,”I’m just anxious to see my relatives. The last time I saw them was when I was a small applet.”

So as time went on, she wasn’t calm at all. After her relatives left, she admitted she outgrown her calmness. The apple asked for help and everyone tried to help.

One spring morning, she felt unusually calm. She suddenly realized her calmness had returned. When she announced her calmness had returned, everyone clapped and cheered.

To this day forward, she can be found in everyone’s heart. She might be hiding or showing her calmness to your inner self.

Yummy pink apples!

I hope you enjoyed!

I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of love and gratefulness …xoxo

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Emotions With Animals: Calm Monarch Butterflies

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to this week’s Emotion With Animals. (You get 2 Emotions With Animals editions this week). This edition of Emotions With Animals is in honor of a monarch butterfly flying so close to my head and my home. I hope you enjoy!

Monarch butterflies are calm when they’re flying. They might also be calmer after they eat some monarch butterfly friendly plants.

When you or someone else is calm, you will feel a lot better. You will be more confident and relaxed. You will be happy, mindful, grateful, thankful and joyful.

Take a moment to read this quote. If you want to, share it with family, friends, and relatives.

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” – Buddha

How To Be Calm:

If you have anger: You should talk it out with someone you trust. See Angry Ducks for more ideas.

If you have sadness: It’s okay to be sad. See Sad Cats for more ideas.

If you have jealousy: Go to Emotions With Animals: Jealous Parrots to find what to do.

If you have mischief: Go to Emotions With Animals: Mischievous Pelicans to find out what to do.

Om Shanti Om: It’s a mantra.

Take a deep breath.

Step outside for a moment.

Draw or write.

Go for a walk.

Connecting with whatever feeling that is making you feel not calm.


I hope you enjoyed.

A calm monarch butterfly touching the water rippling it’s reflection.

Come back this week for another edition of Emotions With Animals. Go to to see Camilla’s blog posts.

Subscribe to Lillian Darnell by Email

I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of love and gratefulness …xoxo

Emotions For Animals: Love as Chimpanzees

Hey, everyone! (I know this edition was a little late). Welcome back to this week’s edition of Emotions For Animals! This time, it’s Chimps (also known as Chimpanzees). I hope you enjoy!

Chimp love is almost like a person love. They kiss, embrace, hug, talk and, groom. Are you wondering how much chimps are like people? (Visit the next paragraph to find out).

People love is basically kissing, hugging, talking, kind teasing, and living together. If you’re a kid, it’s usually a bit more filtered than your parent(s). They will tuck you in, brush your hair, brush your teeth, floss your teeth, take your clothes off, reading to you, and put on clothes.

How To Feel (or Be) Loved: 

Initiate meaningful conversations: Create bonds or relationships is the first step in being deeply loved.

You can do  this with anyone at almost any time simply by asking about the other person, fully listening to what they have to say, and then finding common ground. Some people might choose to shut down but it may be worth the riskiness of feeling powerless to find people who won’t shut down.

Open up your love value: Like a heart keeps blood from flowing backward, the love value blocks the flow of energy in your given influence. Come into the moment, take the pressure off the situation, and avoid the urge to fill silences with chatter. Instead, picture the interaction as something cyclical in nature, where there’s a balance of sharing and listening, giving and receiving.

When we clear the mental clutter and allow this type of flow, we are in essence choosing to be love.

Change your beliefs about the world and love:

If you tell yourself that people don’t care, you’ll put that energy into the world and then easily find evidence to back it up. If you tell yourself you’ll never experience love, you’ll create mental barriers and then subconsciously repel it. Tell yourself a different story from this paragraph: There’s a lot of love in the world, there’s plenty to go around, you deserve it, and it’s coming to you every day.

Love Yourself: Don’t say judgemental things or say bad things about yourself.

Chimp love!

I hope you enjoyed! Tune in this week for the next Emotions With Animals blog post. Also don’t forget to check out Camilla’s blog for more love themed blog posts.

Subscribe to Lillian Darnell by Email

I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of love and gratefulness …xoxo

Fearful Seasons

Hey, everyone! Since everybody is in the summer mood, enjoy the weekly story!

Once upon a time, there lived a season named Summerella and she lived fearful but no other season knew why. On a beautiful day Springel had said, “We can’t let this unknown fear pass unknowingly. Let some of our seasons go find the fear.”

So the seasons agreed to let the some of the seasons go. So they searched up high, low, east, and west. Suddenly just when the seasons were about to give up, they saw something in the distance but the seasons couldn’t fly. So, they set off just to find something to ride on.

Finally they found something to ride on but the fear was getting away. So they sped up and eventually they caught up to the fear. The fear was a season animal who had ran away. So they rounded up the season animal and brought it back to Springel.

The seasons asked Springel what they should do with the season animal that ran away. Springel suggested they keep it with the other secured season animals. After they were done, they went to Summerella her fear was gone.

To this day forward, you can find Summerella in Summer, Springel in Spring, Winterfell in Winter, and Autumn-Stella in Autumn. I hope you enjoyed!

Emotions With Animals: Fearful Fish

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to this week’s edition of Emotions With Animals! As you know summer is almost and I did a weekly story with a sprinkle of summer in it. Go to Mischievous Popsicles to read it. I decided to post this edition a day early!

Fearful fish look into a mirror or reflection. Depending on the type of fish they may quarrel their reflection. Some fishes don’t see well.

Fearful people can get hurt backs, stubbornness, dizziness, and more. Being fearful can be dangerous if you’re not careful.

How To Be Fearless:

Aware: Notice when you experience feelings of fear.

Remind: Next time you notice the fear inside you, remind yourself that it’s ‘all in the mind’ and that ‘80% of fears never happen’.

Ask: Ask yourself ‘what’s the worst thing that can happen if I do this?’. Ask yourself ‘how is this fear impacting my life?’

Write: Write down a few ways to deal with the worst case scenario – often when we get our thoughts out of our heads and down onto paper the fear will disappear.

Get Rid of Fears: Take a deep breath and overcome your fears. You should listen to your body. It will tell you when it’s ready.

Fearful: It’s okay to be fearful.

Thinking: The thoughts you are having might be keeping you from being fearless.

Feelings: Your emotions might also keep you from being fearless. Notice your thoughts and ask yourself,”Is that true?” Physically, feel the feeling. (This blogpost may help). See the section Asking for more.

Patient: Be patient with yourself.

Quiet: Be quiet and still. Saying to yourself you will progress through your fears.

I hope you enjoyed my blog post. Tune in the Friday after this Friday for the next edition of Emotions With Animals! Visit Camilla’s blog at Mindful Musings for more blog posts.

Beautiful Blue Fish!

Subscribe to Lillian Darnell by Email

I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of love and gratefulness …xoxo

Mischievous Popsicles

Hey there, everyone! As you know summer coming up, I thought a popsicle would give the weekly emotion story a summer touch. Tell me what you think in the comments of this blog post (you don’t have to tell me).

One day, a popsicle named Lemona was causing mischief but she didn’t want any popsicles to see. Apparently, her popsicle friends, Lime-Meringue and Minty Rainbow thought she was hiding something.

So they asked questions but she just ignored them. “I want to find out who she’s against,” said Minty and Lime. Finally they found Licorice Popella in Lemona’s ice room. Minty asked if Lemona is against her.

Surprisingly, Licorice responded yes. They wanted to know why Lemona was against her. Lemona wanted to cause mischief on Licorice. So they went to find Lemona to tell her what they’d found out.

Lemona realized her mistake and quickly apologized to Licorice. She was surprised to find out that she had been caught. So Lemona explained to Lime and Minty that she wanted to find a red hat to go with her lemon scented dress.

She had thought it would be okay to borrow Licorices’ scented hat. So Lemona asked Licorice if she could borrow her hat. Licorice said, “You may use the scented hat. Next time, come to me if you feel mischievous and I’ll help you snap out of your mischief”!

So Lemona agreed to come to Licorice if she felt mischievous. From that day forward, you can see Lemona, Minty, and Lime, and Licorice in your popsicle you eat hanging out. I hope you enjoy my story!

Pretty rainbow popsicles!

Subscribe to Lillian Darnell by Email

I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of love and gratefulness …xoxo