Hey, everyone! Welcome back to this week’s bonus edition of Emotions With Animals. The bonus is in honor of water. This week’s edition includes tortoises and freshwater turtles. Let’s begin!
Wise tortoises live longer than average humans. So it makes them seem wise.
Wise people have many experiences. They also meditate.
How To Be Wise:
Know that you are wise from the heart.
Help people. (This might make you feel and be wise.)
Shy turtles are scared of humans. So if you see one, you might be in luck. Turtles can be so shy that if you make any noise they’ll just go back underwater.
Shy people stutter, blush, shake, breathless, or speechless. Shy people might rarely talk. When they do talk, they might be so nervous that they stutter.
How To Avoid Being Shy:
Overcoming your shyness will take practice.
Take slow, steady steps forward. Going slow is okay but be sure to go forward. Stepping back from any situations that trigger you to feel shy can reinforce shyness and keep it at a level that’s hard to get past. Build confidence by taking one small forward step at a time.
It’s okay to feel awkward. It happens to everyone.
Know you can do it.
Be true to yourself.
Pay attention to the thoughts you are having when you’re experiencing shyness.
Remind yourself that no one can see the butterflies in your stomach.
Take deep breaths.
Have sips of water. (This is healthy).
I hope you enjoyed this week’s bonus edition of Emotions with Animals. Tune in next week for the next edition of Emotions With Animals.

A tortoise walking.