Hey, everyone! You are about to enter a huge mystery story. Anyway, here are some related stories: https://lilliandarnell.com/2019/11/03/an-incredible-day/, https://lilliandarnell.com/2019/07/17/adventures-of-marigold-springs/, and https://lilliandarnell.com/2019/06/16/peaceful-summer/. I hope you enjoy!
Once many years ago, there lived a girl whose name was Lisa. Lisa lived with her parents in a huge castle. Her parents were Leah and Andy. Lisa loved having fun. They lived happily in the castle.
But one day, a huge storm came and damaged their spring water moat. At that point, everything changed. Lisa no longer had time to have fun. And Lisa never saw her parents as they were often fixing damage around the castle.
But one day, everything changed as Lisa grew up. Lisa started working on their castle repairs. Lisa looked at repairing the castle as fun. And the best part was she got to see her parents all the time again.
After several years had passed. Lisa and her parents finally finished repairing their castle. And they moved on to investigating the storm now so long ago. They were able to figure out that it was not Mother Nature causing the storm.
Lisa figured out that it was an evil witch all on her own. So they moved on to figure out how to confront the evil witch. Lisa and her family figured that out by secretly putting a tracker on the witch’s broom.
So for a long time, they tracked the evil witch until they found her little cottage. Surprisingly, the cottage was cute and not evil looking. So Lisa and her parents headed to the witch’s cottage.
WHen Lisa and her family arrived, the evil witch was waiting outside for them. The witch apologized and said, “I am really a sorceress and I didn’t mean to make such a storm.”
The sorceress gestured to her garden and continued speaking, “These flowers would’ve died if I hadn’t given them the moisture they needed.” Lisa, Leah, and Andy all huddled together to speak privately
“The witch seems like she’s telling the truth. But what can we do to help?,” said Lisa cautiously. Leah & Andy said,”I think you are right. Let’s give her and her plants a room and greenhouse in the castle.”
Lisa nodded and said, “That sounds like a great plan to me”. Lisa, Leah, and Andy walked over to the sorceress and Lisa sad, “Me and my family decided to let your plants stay in our royal greenhouse.”
Lisa pauses for dramatic effect and continues talking, “We’ve also decided to let you stay in the castle with us. We could use a sorceress. Don’t worry though, you can come back here anytime. Also one more thing I forgot to ask what’s your name?”
The sorceress smiled and said, “Thank you, Your Highness. I am Sorceress Brianna but please just call me Brianna or Bree.” Lisa grins and says, “It’s nice to meet you Bree. Oh by the way, you don’t have to say any royal titles to me and my family you can call me Lisa.”
The sorceress said, “I am honored, Lisa. ” And so from that day forward Princess Lisa’s castle and kingdom stayed pristine and undamaged. Princess Lisa and her family had much more fun for years to come.
That’s the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed!

Two butterflies resting on lavender.