Stella’s Beloved Garden

Hey, everyone! I wrote this story inspired by World Water and World Poetry Day this past week. Here are some related stories: Festive SeasonsRainbow’s Crushes, and Magical Unicorns In Love. Anyways I hope you enjoy!

Once there was a girl named Novella who was often called by her nickname Stella. Stella often loved the garden in the mansion where she would do everything and so all was well or at least so she thought.

Until one day, there was a huge fire that blew across the land. Stella was very sad to leave her beloved garden behind but she knew that her garden would always be in her heart.

So Stella and her family left to go to their grandparent’s castle. Stella had a fun time learning and playing in the castle. But when she grew up, she felt the need to rebuild her family’s mansion and her beloved garden.

So she left her grandparent’s castle though it was hers now. She started the long hard process of building the mansion. While she started building the mansion, she thought about adding a lake to the backyard.

She had her friends and animals helping her so within a few weeks, Stella was making an indoor pool for her mansion. Eventually when that was done, she replanted her beloved garden.

She read poetry to her beloved plants in her garden every day. The poetry went something like this:

Leaves bloom like flowers;
Flying in the wind gracefully
Soaring as far as the eye can see

Beautiful birds fly fast
as flowers dance in breezes;
the pretty flower shined brightly

Butterflies perched on a branch
 Sitting on a flower showing beauty
Where the breeze lies within my hand

After she read poetry to the plants, Stella watched the plants grow then she went for a swim then went to the backyard to sit by the lake to watch the sunset. This repeated every day until she passed away peacefully.

She became famous for her beloved garden after she left earth. Later on, her family joined Stella in the great beyond so they happily lived as a family forever and so they lived happily ever after.

That was the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed it!

Roses of Spring

Hey, everyone! Happy First Day of Spring! Here are some related poems:, and

Anyway I hope you enjoy!

The Roses Of Spring

Soft as silk
red like a strawberry;
sometimes pink as cherry blossoms

Running through
roses of spring;
colorful as the rainbow

As I lay
in  roses of spring,
I hear the whisper of the wind.

That’s the end of the poem. I hope you enjoyed!

Lisa and The Huge Storm

Hey, everyone! You are about to enter a huge mystery story. Anyway, here are some related stories:,, and I hope you enjoy!

Once many years ago, there lived a girl whose name was Lisa. Lisa lived with her parents in a huge castle. Her parents were Leah and Andy. Lisa loved having fun. They lived happily in the castle.

But one day, a huge storm came and damaged their spring water moat. At that point, everything changed. Lisa no longer had time to have fun. And Lisa never saw her parents as they were often fixing damage around the castle.

But one day, everything changed as Lisa grew up. Lisa started working on their castle repairs. Lisa looked at repairing the castle as fun. And the best part was she got to see her parents all the time again.

After several years had passed. Lisa and her parents finally finished repairing their castle. And they moved on to investigating the storm now so long ago. They were able to figure out that it was not Mother Nature causing the storm.

Lisa figured out that it was an evil witch all on her own. So they moved on to figure out how to confront the evil witch. Lisa and her family figured that out by secretly putting a tracker on the witch’s broom.

So for a long time, they tracked the evil witch until they found her little cottage. Surprisingly, the cottage was cute and not evil looking. So Lisa and her parents headed to the witch’s cottage.

WHen Lisa and her family arrived, the evil witch was waiting outside for them. The witch apologized and said, “I am really a sorceress and I didn’t mean to make such a storm.”

The sorceress gestured to her garden and continued speaking, “These flowers would’ve died if I hadn’t given them the moisture they needed.” Lisa, Leah, and Andy all huddled together to speak privately

“The witch seems like she’s telling the truth. But what can we do to help?,” said Lisa cautiously. Leah & Andy said,”I think you are right. Let’s give her and her plants a room  and greenhouse in the castle.”

Lisa nodded and said, “That sounds like a great plan to me”. Lisa, Leah, and Andy walked over to the sorceress and Lisa sad, “Me and my family decided to let your plants stay in our royal greenhouse.”

Lisa pauses for dramatic effect and continues talking, “We’ve also decided to let you stay in the castle with us. We could use a sorceress. Don’t worry though, you can come back here anytime. Also one more thing I forgot to ask what’s your name?”

The sorceress smiled and said, “Thank you, Your Highness. I am Sorceress Brianna but please just call me Brianna or Bree.” Lisa grins and says, “It’s nice to meet you Bree. Oh by the way, you don’t have to say any royal titles to me and my family you can call me Lisa.”

The sorceress said, “I am honored, Lisa. ” And so from that day forward Princess Lisa’s castle and kingdom stayed pristine and undamaged. Princess Lisa and her family had much more fun for years to come.

That’s the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed!

Two butterflies resting on lavender.

Adventures Of Marigold Springs

Hey, everyone! I’ve been so excited (almost bursting to the top with excitement) that the Annual Chromosome 18 conference is coming up so fast so to help me with a little bit of excitement, I wrote this story. Here are some related blog posts: , and if you want to take a look. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Once many years ago, there was a time when Marigold Springs was called Magnolia Springs. Magnolia Springs had a girl named Marcella (Marie for short) and she wanted to travel to far off places to have daring cliffs and a never-ending basin of poisoned water.

More importantly, Marie longed for daring adventure. While Marie longed for adventure, her family longed to set up a cute little craft maker in the park. Hold on, why not, you ask?

Well, her family were so poor that they scarcely were able to enjoy food and water. Marie was stuck worrying about the money but when she had some time, Marigold would daydream about her adventures.

Marie even shared one of her adventures her mind took her to her mother. “That would a great story, sweetie. Maybe you could write it down.”, said Goldie (also known as Candy and Marie’s mother).

So that is what Marie did. So all was good as it could be. Until one day, there was a knock at the door. Goldie was thinking about something when the knock sounded and she was startled by the sound.

Goldie then said, “I’ll get it”. But secretly, Goldie wondered who it was. So when Goldie opened the door, she got a huge shock. There at the door stood a young woman about Goldie’s age and she asked for Marie.

Once Goldie got over her shock, she said, “Come in, dear. May I ask what your name is and how do you know my daughter?” The young woman stepped inside gratefully and said, “I am the Princess of Longing, Desire & Adventure but you can call me Rose or Princess Rose.”

“I know Marie from her daydreams. In fact, I am the one who gave her those daydreams. She’s also seen me in her daydreams and she even wrote about me”, said Princess Rose.

“Really? I’m flattered because I was the one who told her to write it down. Oh excuse me, where are my manners? I am Goldie, Your Highness. Ok, I’ll call you Princess Rose.”, said Goldie as she curtsies. “Marie, we have a visitor!”, said Goldie.

Marie hurriedly ran downstairs and she gasped when she saw Princess Rose. “You’re real! I can’t believe it.”, said Marie. Princess Rose chuckled politely at Marie’s excitement.

Princess Rose said to Marie, “The reason I came was I heard that you were longing for adventure. Lucky for you, I’m the princess of adventure, desire, and longing.” To the rest of Marigold’s family and Goldie, Rose said, “The reason I came here was I heard that this family longed to have a cute little craft maker in the park. Is that true?”

“Yes, very true.”, said Marie and her family. Princess Rose pulled Marie to the side and said, “How would you be like to be my adventurous explorer? If so, what should I call you for a nickname?”

Marie’s eyes went wide and said, “Yes, yes, yes! And I would like to have Marigold as my nickname, please. ”

Princess Rose said with a giggle, “Alright, Marigold! Let’s go!” Princess Rose gasped and said, “I forgot to tell Goldie something. ” Princess Rose said, “Goldie, here take this money so you and your family can make that cute craft maker of yours.”

Goldie looked at Princess Rose with glee and said, “Thank you! Thank you!” Princess Rose said, “Your welcome. Now, I really must go. Goodbye, all!” So Marigold and Princess Rose set off to explore in adventurous places.

They visited Salt Candy City, Peace Land, Desert World, Fern Land, and more. Many years later, Marigold returned home on her own to Magnolia Springs but to her surprise, the town’s name changed to Marigold Springs after her.

Marigold was very grateful for her hometown’s appreciation for her. She noticed a cute craft maker in the park. Her sister’s daughter was running it now. Marigold eventually settled down temporarily and during that time she got married to her friend, Astrid.

Then they traveled together all over the world. So if you see Marigold or Marie and Astrid, say hello to them and chat with them.

a marigold

beautiful marigold.

That’s the end of the story! I hope you all enjoyed! What’s your favorite part of my story? If it feels right, I would love to hear your answers in the comments.

My Adventure To Surprise Part 11

Hey, everyone! I went to Surprise, AZ for the end of May/beginning of June with my grandparents (also known as The Romano Duo). I would just like to share my adventure with you. By the way, some of the times aren’t accurate. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy!

June 8th, 2018: 

I woke up at 8:00 am with itchy ankles. When I went into the living room, I noticed familiar swollen bumps (mosquito bites). So I spent the day trying to stay off my ankle but I did get up to pack a few things throughout the day.

I ate lunch at 1:00 pm. I also colored that afternoon until evening. After dinner, I colored until 9:00 pm. I started my schedule and finished at 9:35 pm leaving me 35 minutes to spare so I started playing games on my phone until it went dead.

By that time, it was 9:57 pm so I just helped Patty and Frank with decisions for the trip back to Reno until 10:00 pm when I got into bed. I tried to go to sleep at 11:15 pm but realized I needed to go to the restroom so it wasn’t until 11:30 pm when I went to sleep.

Mosquito bites on my ankle

Mosquito bite on the bottom of my foot

See part 12 here

My Adventure To Surprise Part 10

Hey, everyone! I went to Surprise, AZ for the end of May/beginning of June with my grandparents (also known as The Romano Duo). I would just like to share my adventure with you. By the way, some of the times aren’t accurate. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy!

June 6th, 2018:

I woke up around 8:00 am. I decided to have a resting day. After breakfast, I played on my phones and read. After lunch though, I got ready to get in the pool and only stayed in the pool for 30 minutes.

Afterward, I got dressed and headed into the living room to color some more in the giant coloring pad.

After dinner, I continued coloring and played on my phone some until I started my schedule. As usual, I got in bed at 10:00 pm but stayed awake until a little past midnight.

As you should know, I went to sleep past midnight.

June 7th, 2018: 

I woke up around 7:00 am. So I got up and decided to feel relaxed until the end of my trip. Anyway, I ate breakfast and decided to color in the giant coloring pad. I started feeling hungry again. After I ate, I colored more, read, and played on my phone.

After dinner though, I started coloring some more. Afterward, I took a long break and sat outside until I had to do my schedule. I managed to get into bed at 10:00 pm. I went to sleep shortly after midnight.

Me with a pool noodle

Me with Frank Romano

Amazing sunset

Gorgeous sunset

See part 11 here

My Adventure To Surprise Part 9

Hey, everyone! I went to Surprise, AZ for the end of May/beginning of June with my grandparents (also known as The Romano Duo). I would just like to share my adventure with you. By the way, some of the times aren’t accurate. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy!

June 4th, 2018:

I woke up around 8:00 am. I decided to make that day a relaxing day as well. So, I just played on my phones, ate meals, and colored in my giant coloring pad until my finger hurt. While I took a break, I sat outside and got to see an awesome sunset and a real hummingbird. I was able to get a few pictures (the hummingbird is now a guest visitor at the Romano Duo backyard)

Anyway, I got into to bed around 10:00 pm that night but I stayed up until 12:30 am that night.

June 5th, 2018:

I woke up at 9:00 am that day. Shortly after breakfast, I played on my phones and read. After lunch though, Patty and I went to the Surprise, AZ library (has a real name) to get me new books.

We were in and out in just 30 minutes which was crazy because I usually take 1 to 2 hours in libraries. Anyway once we got back, I colored some more. I managed to take a picture of a fully bloomed rose plant as well that day.

Around 8:30 pm, I sat outside to get fresh air. I also got more magical photos of the sunset. Again,  I got into bed around 10:00 am but played on my phone and read. Around 12:00 am, I went to sleep.

Me wearing a beautiful new shirt.


Beautiful sunset

Beautiful clouds with trees

Gorgeous sky

Awesome sky with the sun shining

A camouflaged clock that shows the time and temperature

Magnificent sky!

Unique sky!

Beautiful rose

See part 10 here

My Adventure To Surprise Part 3

Hey, everyone! I went to Surprise, AZ for the end of May/beginning of June with my grandparents (also known as The Romano Duo). I would just like to share my adventure with you. By the way, some of the times aren’t accurate. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy!

May 27th, 2018: 

I woke up not knowing where I was for a second then decided to look on my phone and time said 7:00 am so I just laid there until 7:30 am and then I went to the restroom. Afterward, I had Patty make my brunch (since it was almost lunch time) and I ate it all.

After I finished, we went to Kohl’s and found me some new clothing. After I got back, I was hungry so I ate a snack. It was 4:58 pm when I finished my snack. Luckily though, we didn’t eat dinner until 6:00 pm.

About the same time I was eating the snack, I worked on a blog post: I also arranged to see one of my friends named Katie who lived in Glendale, AZ at around 6:00 with help from Patty and Camilla. So I was excited about that.

After that, I went back to what I was doing (which was coding). After, I waited until midnight to do my schedule. So it was around 1:00 am when I went to bed that night but I stayed awake until 2:00 am that night.

Cactus In Surprise, AZ. Note: This photo is from Google Images.

See part 4 here

My Adventure To Surprise Part 2

Hey, everyone! I went to Surprise, AZ for the end of May/beginning of June with my grandparents (also known as The Romano Duo). I would just like to share my adventure with you. By the way, some of the times aren’t accurate. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy!

May 26th, 2018: 

I woke up at 7:00 am that day giving me enough time to get ready to go and eat some of my breakfast. After I got almost halfway done with my morning routine, Patty went outside and said she saw donkeys (burros) across the dirt road eating grass at an empty park.

Patty wanted to know if I wanted to see the donkeys and I said sure. And sure enough, I saw the donkeys. Anyway at 10:00 am PDST, Frank of the Romano Duo (my grandfather) and Patty, as well as me, were ready to be on our way to Surprise again.

So we got back in the car, I was mostly quiet but when we passed Las Vegas and Hoover Dam Frank said, “We’ll be passing the Nevada border soon.” I said, “Yes, I know.” as I already been through there twice.

Around 12:15 pm (my preferred lunchtime) to 1:00 pm, we stopped in Kingman, AZ to go to the restroom in Burger In-N-Out and Patty had Frank go get me some french fries. After he was done, Frank drove over to the nearest gas station so Patty could get the rest of the food for me and get gas for Frank and Patty’s car.

After 13 minutes, we were in Arizona desert. Eventually, at 1:27, I asked Patty and Frank for the estimated time we had left and Frank said, “At least 2 hours or 1 and a half hours.” At that point, I mentally started a time check and looked out the window for the first sign of Surprise, AZ.

Around 2:44 pm, I asked again and Frank said, “Less than an hour.” as 3:00 pm was getting closer and I was very excited. At 2:50 pm, there were only 16 minutes left until we arrived. At 2:58 pm, there were 10 minutes left. At 3:00 pm, I was looking out the window at Surprise, AZ.

At 3:10 pm, we arrived in Surprise, AZ. My calmness returned when I stepped into Patty’s and Frank’s house but I needed to go to the restroom so I had Patty show me the master bathroom.

Anyway, when I was just talking to Patty in Patty and Frank’s bedroom, my uncle Robert  (who I never met) walked in to say he needed to go to the grocery store. Finally, he noticed and Patty introduced us.

I was kind of shy at first (I usually can be but it doesn’t last long). Fortunately, Patty had to go to Trader Joe’s to find the stuff on the list and I volunteered to go with them. So we all got in the car to Trader Joe’s and Wal-Mart (don’t really care for Wal-Mart).

Surprisingly, we were back at the house in 30 minutes. Anyway, I asked Patty for her laptop so I could easily code and look at Accuweather. Of course at 4:00 pm or more, Patty and Frank started making dinner. We had dinner at 7:00 pm though.

After the dinner, I decided to chill out and rest some while talking to Patty and Frank. After some time had passed, I went ahead and got ready for bed. Of course, I stayed up late (that happened the whole time). Once, I got into bed I read and played games on my phones until 12:30 am when I got up to put my water away.

After I turned out the light and my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep immediately.

I borrowed the photo from Google Images… A burro in Beatty

See part 3 here

My Adventure To Surprise Part 1

Hey, everyone! I went to Surprise, AZ for the end of May/beginning of June with my grandparents (also known as The Romano Duo). I would just like to share my adventure with you. By the way, some of the times aren’t accurate. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy!

May 25th, 2018: 

Once my grandparents and I left Reno, I felt very active and I started talking about stuff like the conference, places, cities, Surprise, AZ and thinking of silly names for cities.

For example, Surprise was Palm Tree Land while Reno was Tree Land. Anyway, we stopped in Hawthorne as a rest stop and get my lunch out (which was prepared by Camilla before we left). After we left Hawthorne, I continued talking and eventually offered my grandmother Patty of the Romano Duo to help me guess what word the 2 pictures were (it was a game I downloaded on to my phone before I left).

After a little while, I got bored so I took a lot of selfies. I also found out that their car had a GPS built into the car and a little cord you could plug up an old GPS with.  Anyway, around 4:43 pm PDST we arrived at Beatty, NV. We spent the night at Death Valley Inn & RV Park which was nice.

After dinner, the sun was still up so Patty and I decided to have a walk around the hotel. After the short walk, we decided to see if they had any fruit juice liked at the Family Dollar Store across the dirt road.

Oddly, they had fruit juice among other things too. After we finished there, we went back to the hotel (more like a motel) and started my night time schedule. After Patty went to sleep, I went to sleep around 12:30 am (yes, I know that can be late but it helped me get up at a certain time) that night.

One of the selfies I took.


The second selfie I took.

Another rose in Beatty.


Rose In Beatty

Beautiful Sunset colored flower

Yellow flower.

Beautiful rose

Beautiful roses!

Gorgeous tree!

Pretty pink rose!

Yellow rose!

The sign of Death Valley Inn. Don’t the palm trees look like arms?

See part 2 here