Annual Chromosome 18 Conference 2018 Part 1

Hey, everyone! I just got back from a trip to Baltimore for the annual Chromosome 18 conference. This blog post is a summary of what I did at the Chromosome 18p- conference this year. I hope you enjoy reading this blog post. In case you’re wondering, the links are Thomas’, Camilla’s, and Chromosome 18’s website.

Here are some similar blog posts: and Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

June 29th: 

We woke up early to get to the airport and through security. This time I went up the escalator with Camilla holding my hand since I was scared while Thomas went up the stairs.

We got on the airplane right on time. We saw a beautiful sunrise as we were flying up into the sky. The sunrise was amazing. We sat on the first plane for about an hour and watched clouds go by.

I only had apple juice and water for the first plane flight since the flight was quick and because I wasn’t hungry. I also played a few games on my phone and tablet as well and read a book. Once we landed at the McCarran International Airport which is in Las Vegas, we sat down for a couple of minutes before we pre-boarded the second and final plane flight.

That flight happened to be the longest flight ever. Anyway, on that flight, I had honey roasted cashews, Fritos® chips, and lightly salted peanuts (they stopped making the honey roasted peanuts).

I also had apple juice and water again on this flight. I played some games on my tablet and on my phone. I even read a chapter in the book I was reading. We sat on the plane for about 4 hours. Once we got closer to Baltimore, I started recording our landing in Baltimore.

Once we landed, Camilla only found one suitcase sadly. Around the same time, Camilla’s friend was here to drive us to the hotel. So Camilla discovered the other suitcase was held back in Colorado but it came in 2 hours later.

Camilla’s friend eventually went back to get the suitcase for us. We discovered that we were the first ones to arrive at the hotel so it was a little boring but I was able to keep myself busy.

I talked to Macy Miller (a close 18p- friend of mine) through Facebook Messenger. We were both very excited to see each other again in 2 days. I also texted Rebecca Parker (a close 18p- friend of mine) and Katie Baker (a close friend of mine) to let them know I was at the hotel.

Camilla ordered dinner from room service which was french fries for me. I was so tired that I fell asleep without cleaning off the bed of my stuff and without turning off the booklight.

A selfie of me on the airplane

Pretty sky.

Awesome sky.

Pretty sky.

Outstanding view!

Striking view!

Cool sky!

See part 2 here

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