Hey, everyone! This is part 6 of the Amazing Nature Party series. In this part of the series, you’ll find the answers to the questions asked in Part 5. I hope you enjoy!
The party guests were very pleased that the unicorn and the Nature fairy came to their incredible party so they made the unicorn and the Nature fairy the guests of honor.
The Nature fairy said, “I really must go to get you more attention for your nature party. I really enjoyed being the guest of honor and my unicorn said that she enjoyed being the animal of honor.”
As she spoke kindly, she got ready to go find some people who would be inspired, impressed, and most importantly have fun at the party.
Meanwhile, the nature party leader decided to make better expressions so the guests rode their animals and had a race. They also set up games, entertainment, and more.
The Nature fairy found some great people who are willing to give the Nature party a try. She also found polar seals, tiger dog, and other fantasy animals.
Who were the people that were willing to give the Nature party a try? Why did the nature party need more impressions?
That’s the end of part 6 of the Amazing Nature Party series. Keep your eyes peeled for part 7 of the Amazing Nature Party.