Amazing Nature Party: What the Guests Did At The Party

Hey, everyone! This is part 6 of the Amazing Nature Party series. In this part of the series, you’ll find the answers to the questions asked in Part 5. I hope you enjoy!

The party guests were very pleased that the unicorn and the Nature fairy came to their incredible party so they made the unicorn and the Nature fairy the guests of honor.

The Nature fairy  said, “I really must go to get you more attention for your nature party. I really enjoyed being the guest of honor and my unicorn said that she enjoyed being the animal of honor.”

As she spoke kindly, she got ready to go find some people who would be inspired, impressed, and most importantly have fun at the party.

Meanwhile, the nature party leader decided to make better expressions so the guests rode their animals and had a race. They also set up games, entertainment, and more.

The Nature fairy found some great people who are willing to give the Nature party a try. She also found polar seals, tiger dog, and other fantasy animals.

Who were the people that were willing to give the Nature party a try? Why did the nature party need more impressions?

That’s the end of part 6 of the Amazing Nature Party series. Keep your eyes peeled for part 7 of the Amazing Nature Party.

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Sunset of a mountain and forest.

Amazing Nature Party: The Fantastic Idea

Hey, everyone! This is a new blog series that you will see anytime of day and during the weekdays so you may have to keep your eyes open.

One day, a nature group was doing great with their nature learning. They thought they should have a theme party. Can you guess what theme it was? If you said nature, your right. So they set up the party.

They added animal balloons, foods, plants, and other nature things to their party. Suddenly, the leader of nature group who was helping hang up bird feeders that were protective got an idea. Can you guess what the idea was?

Image result for nature


A Happy World

Hey, everyone! I just got inspired by a drawing I drew. You’ll see a picture of my drawing at the bottom in this blog post. Anyway, here’s a story based on the drawing.

One day, a bird picked up a seed to eat. A few minutes later, the bird decided that it wasn’t the right seed. The bird threw it back down. That was the beginning of the Happy World.

As the years past, the tree grew until it had several branches and a strong trunk. The strong tree became known as the Happy Tree. The Happy Tree decided to produce a seed. The seed grew with happiness and love. One day, the seed blossomed into a young beautiful tree that didn’t grow much after that point.

The young tree became known as the Amazing Beauty Tree. The Amazing Beauty Tree saw the Happy Tree. Suddenly, she realized that she wanted to know who produced her. She asked the Happy Tree if it was him who planted her. He said yes and Amazing Beauty wanted to produce a seed of her own.

She let the bird fly the seed to the Happy World. The seed became a thin beautiful conifer tree. The tree produced identical seeds until there was almost no room to plant seeds. After that the trees started planting grass seeds. After the grass had grown, there was no room to plant seeds.

A few years later, the several earthquakes that would become the mountains shook the world. The trees, birds, and grass survived. They noticed something different about the landscape and they saw triangular tall figures. They soon realized that they had saw a mountain. About the same time, their roots filled with water and animals.

One year later, humans discovered the Happy World and decided to make a small town out of it. They also made cars, rockets, and kites. The sun, clouds, rain, hail, snow, and thunderstorms were always there but they were nicer than outside of the Happy World. Everyone lived happily. If you go into a forest, you will realize that the Happy World is the forest.

Happy World

The happy world includes geese, ducks, rabbits, birds, car, rocket, city, trees, grass, and more. I hope you enjoy!

Reach For Stars

Hey, everyone! This blog post will include 2 stories (1 non fiction and 1 fiction), inspiration, and a fiction interview. Let’s start with the non fiction story.

One day, my body decided I was ready to try the ladder at my therapy place. Slowly but surely, my body had decided to try the stairs. Now I can easily walk up them alone without being scared. Ever since, I’ve been proud to have touched the stars. (If anyone wonders what’s next, it’s escalators).

Let’s move on to the fantasy version of a story. I hope you enjoyed the 1st story!

Once, a young girl named Rainbow had wanted to be able to go down stairs for a long time but her body wasn’t ready to do it. Many years past before her body started to sense that she wanted to achieve the goal. When she was probably 14, her body was able to take the hint fully. So she took her time up until Wednesday when she achieved the goal. She was very excited. She was reaching toward the stars.

Let’s move on to the interview. This is where you will find more details about the first story. Speaking of story, I hope you enjoyed the 2nd story. (If you are wondering, this blog post is inspiration based).

 Rainbow: Hey, Lillian! Are you ready to start the interview? I’m definitely ready to start.

Lillian: Hey, Rainbow! Yes, I’m ready. It’s awesome that you’re ready to start. 

Rainbow: How did you originally start?

Lillian: Good question! I started by using a step stool for kids.

Rainbow: Wow. What was your progression steps?

Lillian: My order was step stool, ladder, and stairs. Anything else you would like to know?

Rainbow: No, I don’t think so. Let’s end it here, Bye, nice meeting you!

Lillian: Bye, Rainbow!

The mural is to reach for the stars.

Go to these links below for 2 of my blog posts:

Rainbow Love

Latest Weather: Thunderstorms

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I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of love and gratefulness …xoxo

The Last Cookie: What Bellina and Mermaidia Will Do Next

Hey, everyone! The final part of The Last Cookie was delayed because I forgotten until Friday. So here it is:

Mermaidia sat down with Bellina. While Mermaidia and Bellina were eating their half of a cookie, they began to talk. Here is one of the things Mermaidia said, “I waited 108 hours to find out whether you would say yes.”

After they were done talking, they went to bed. When they woke up in the morning, they were very proud. After that, when they wanted a cookie they used the technique that Mermaidia used. You can use this very technique.

This is the end of part 4. Tune in for more stories, facts, photos, and more! Go to Camilla’s, Thomas’s, and Team TLC’s blog here.

Yummy Chocolate Chip Cookie!

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I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of love and gratefulness …xoxo

The Last Cookie: Cookies For Everyone

Hey, everyone! Here’s the second part of the Last Cookie story! I hope you enjoy.

Mermaidia had a solution finally and it was to suggest cut the cookie in half. (If you’re wondering, the cookie flavor is fruit punch.) Mermaidia looked around trying to find Bellina.

Mermaidia found Bellina in the kitchen, preparing to eat the cookie. Finally Mermaidia reached Bellina. Mermaidia said,” I have something to say to you.” Bellina asked,” What do you want to say to me, Mermaidia?” So Mermaidia asked Bellina, “Here’s what I want to say to you, may I have half of your cookie please?”

That’s the end of part 2 of The Last Cookie. What do you think Bellina said to Mermaidia? Where do you think Mermaidia sat down to think of the solution? Tune in Tuesday for the 3rd part of The Last Cookie!

Yummy Snickerdoodles!

Subscribe to Lillian Darnell by Email

I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of love and gratefulness …xoxo

Emotions With Animals: Fearful Fish

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to this week’s edition of Emotions With Animals! As you know summer is almost and I did a weekly story with a sprinkle of summer in it. Go to Mischievous Popsicles to read it. I decided to post this edition a day early!

Fearful fish look into a mirror or reflection. Depending on the type of fish they may quarrel their reflection. Some fishes don’t see well.

Fearful people can get hurt backs, stubbornness, dizziness, and more. Being fearful can be dangerous if you’re not careful.

How To Be Fearless:

Aware: Notice when you experience feelings of fear.

Remind: Next time you notice the fear inside you, remind yourself that it’s ‘all in the mind’ and that ‘80% of fears never happen’.

Ask: Ask yourself ‘what’s the worst thing that can happen if I do this?’. Ask yourself ‘how is this fear impacting my life?’

Write: Write down a few ways to deal with the worst case scenario – often when we get our thoughts out of our heads and down onto paper the fear will disappear.

Get Rid of Fears: Take a deep breath and overcome your fears. You should listen to your body. It will tell you when it’s ready.

Fearful: It’s okay to be fearful.

Thinking: The thoughts you are having might be keeping you from being fearless.

Feelings: Your emotions might also keep you from being fearless. Notice your thoughts and ask yourself,”Is that true?” Physically, feel the feeling. (This blogpost may help). See the section Asking for more.

Patient: Be patient with yourself.

Quiet: Be quiet and still. Saying to yourself you will progress through your fears.

I hope you enjoyed my blog post. Tune in the Friday after this Friday for the next edition of Emotions With Animals! Visit Camilla’s blog at Mindful Musings for more blog posts.

Beautiful Blue Fish!

Subscribe to Lillian Darnell by Email

I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefit from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of love and gratefulness …xoxo

The Adventurous Pineapple Family

Hi there! Since I like pineapple, I decided to do a pineapple story. Be aware, it might make you very hungry and have a craving for pineapple.

Once upon a time, there lived a pineapple family who were always adventurous. The pineapple family explored Paprika and they visited a spice called Pepper who suggested they visit Applicious and so they did.

In Applicious, they met a fruit named Candy-Apple and she had asked if they’d visited Melon Land. The pineapple said that they hadn’t visited.

So they visited Melon Land. There they met a melon called Honey Water and she suggested Fruit Land. Apparently, they hadn’t explored Fruit Land.

In Fruit Land, they saw pineapples, apples, candy fruit, melons, and other fruit. The pineapple wanted to settle down but they wanted to check out Candy Land and Chip Land suggested by Peachy Orange.

So the pineapple family set off for Candy Land and they happened to eat candied pineapple. They met Candied Apple and her Candy Fruit friends. They headed to Chip Land next.

There they ate pineapple chips. The family met cheddar and her chip friends. The family went back to Pineapple land to pack their possessions and head back to Fruit Land. The pineapple family was still adventurous but they stayed close to Fruitland.

I hope you enjoyed my pineapple story!

Juicy Pineapple!

I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefited from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of gratitude … xoxo

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Where Would You Fly

Hi there, everyone! You are about to enter a writing & inspiring world. So hang on to your memories on Earth! Look below and you’ll see the writing prompt and story.

If you were a bird and you could fly anywhere, where would you go? (Look below for my answer). If I were a bird and I could fly anywhere, I would go to a tropical island that I could have all that’s needed. Look below for my story.

A Bird Flies Over An Island

I lived happily with my owner until one day, I was looking for my owner when I saw something below. I flew down to investigate and explore. I had found out this was the island of the Colorful Fairies. When I saw the Fairies, I asked them where my owner was and found out that my owner had went to heaven.

The Fairies said my real family was here. So I set out to find them. I asked around and I was about give up when a fruit fairy asked is that my family. I told her, “Yes,”!

My family asked me what happened to my owner. So I told them, he went to heaven. They felt sorry for me. They said that I was welcome to stay with them as long as I didn’t grab food before the rest of my family did.

I stayed as long as I could. I knew that I had to return to Hawaii. I had to be in a pet store again but this time, nobody came. So I mated and had 6 baby birds but I never forgot my family.

5 years later, I decided to visit the island with my new part of family. They loved to see their grand-birds and my mate. I promised I’d come back every 2 years until they went up to heaven and all went well.

The End

This photo below I got from


Books I Recommend: A Place Where Sunflowers Grow by Amy Lee-Tai

Hi there! This is the 19th book recomendation.

1. A Place Where Sunflowers Growby Amy Lee-Tai
2. The Quilt Storyby Tony Johnston & Tomie dePaola
3. That Book Womanby Heather Henson
4. Everything New Under the Sunby Anne Mazer
5. Dumpling Daysby Grace Lin
6. Bailey the Babysitter Fairyby Daisy Meadows
7. Blue Jasmineby Kashmira Sheth
8. Addison the April Fool’s Day Fairyby Daisy Meadows
9. The Prayer of Jabez for Kidsby Bruce Wilkinson
10. Writing Magicby Gail Carson Levine
11. All That Glitters Isn’t Goldby Anne Mazer
12. The New Year Dragon Dilemmaby Ron Roy
13. Caroline and Her Sisterby Maria D. Wilkes
14. Little House by Boston Bayby Melissa Wiley
15. House Of Happiness by Neil Phillips
16. Red Butterflyby A.L. Sonnichsen
17. Greenby Laura Peyton Roberts
18. Brookfield Daysby Maria D. Wilkes
19. Is Everyone Moonburned but Me?by Stella Pevsner
20. Flamingoes by Melissa Gish
21. Birds by Dominic Couzens
22. A Kid’s First Book of Birdwatchingby Scott Weidensaul
23. Little Town on the Prairieby Laura Ingalls Wilder

(Amazon Affilate Links above)

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