Hey, everyone! Welcome back to this week’s edition of Emotions With Animals! As you know summer is almost and I did a weekly story with a sprinkle of summer in it. Go to Mischievous Popsicles to read it. I decided to post this edition a day early!
Fearful fish look into a mirror or reflection. Depending on the type of fish they may quarrel their reflection. Some fishes don’t see well.
Fearful people can get hurt backs, stubbornness, dizziness, and more. Being fearful can be dangerous if you’re not careful.
How To Be Fearless:
Aware: Notice when you experience feelings of fear.
Remind: Next time you notice the fear inside you, remind yourself that it’s ‘all in the mind’ and that ‘80% of fears never happen’.
Ask: Ask yourself ‘what’s the worst thing that can happen if I do this?’. Ask yourself ‘how is this fear impacting my life?’
Write: Write down a few ways to deal with the worst case scenario – often when we get our thoughts out of our heads and down onto paper the fear will disappear.
Get Rid of Fears: Take a deep breath and overcome your fears. You should listen to your body. It will tell you when it’s ready.
Fearful: It’s okay to be fearful.
Thinking: The thoughts you are having might be keeping you from being fearless.
Feelings: Your emotions might also keep you from being fearless. Notice your thoughts and ask yourself,”Is that true?” Physically, feel the feeling. (This blogpost may help). See the section Asking for more.
Patient: Be patient with yourself.
Quiet: Be quiet and still. Saying to yourself you will progress through your fears.
I hope you enjoyed my blog post. Tune in the Friday after this Friday for the next edition of Emotions With Animals! Visit Camilla’s blog at Mindful Musings for more blog posts.

Beautiful Blue Fish!
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