Lillian’s Triple Poems

Hey, everyone! I’ve decided to put together 3 poems for you to read. I got inspired by Leap Into Poetry by Avis Harley. I hope you enjoy!


Moons meet mountains.


The sun rises like a bright flashlight. The moon rises like a beaming light. The sun sets as a wink in the sky. The moon sets as a vanilla cookie in the awakening sky.


I’m awake in the nighttime. I sleep during the daytime light. I watch the sunset and the sunrise every day and night. Can you guess who I am?

Yes-No Poem (Just answer yes or no to the questions):

Are sunsets colorful? Are sunrises beautiful? Are sunsets breathtaking? Are sunrises full of color? Do sunsets and sunrises rise and set at the same time?

Life (A Poem from Mother Teresa).

Where Would You Fly

Hi there, everyone! You are about to enter a writing & inspiring world. So hang on to your memories on Earth! Look below and you’ll see the writing prompt and story.

If you were a bird and you could fly anywhere, where would you go? (Look below for my answer). If I were a bird and I could fly anywhere, I would go to a tropical island that I could have all that’s needed. Look below for my story.

A Bird Flies Over An Island

I lived happily with my owner until one day, I was looking for my owner when I saw something below. I flew down to investigate and explore. I had found out this was the island of the Colorful Fairies. When I saw the Fairies, I asked them where my owner was and found out that my owner had went to heaven.

The Fairies said my real family was here. So I set out to find them. I asked around and I was about give up when a fruit fairy asked is that my family. I told her, “Yes,”!

My family asked me what happened to my owner. So I told them, he went to heaven. They felt sorry for me. They said that I was welcome to stay with them as long as I didn’t grab food before the rest of my family did.

I stayed as long as I could. I knew that I had to return to Hawaii. I had to be in a pet store again but this time, nobody came. So I mated and had 6 baby birds but I never forgot my family.

5 years later, I decided to visit the island with my new part of family. They loved to see their grand-birds and my mate. I promised I’d come back every 2 years until they went up to heaven and all went well.

The End

This photo below I got from
