The Back of Black

Hey, everyone! On the night of April 18th when I was trying on under clothing that was a sparkly black color, I said to myself,”Is this the back of the black?”. Then I realized it would be a great story. Anyway, here’s the related stories:, and I hope you enjoy!

Once long ago, there was a side of planet Ventura that was a dark black and a bright side that was a neon white. The bright side of Ventura was actually the back of the black (as it is known today).

Long ago, people who lived on Ventura didn’t realize that there were 2 different colored sides of Ventura until 2 girls were born. The 2 girls names are Savannah and Aurora. The sisters grew up to be very smart people who studied Ventura from outer space and on Ventura.

One day, the sisters made a remarkable discovery. The sisters spread the word and soon everyone knew. The discovery was indeed that there were 2 different colored sides of Ventura. Everyone had always suspected something but they were equally shocked at what the sisters had discovered.

So they honored the sisters with a museum named after them. The sisters were so pleased that they nicknamed themselves The Ventura Sisters. The mayor of Ventura asked, “What do we suggest we do about this 2 sided different colored planet?’.

The sisters said, “Just leave the planet like it is and also call today of every year Ventura Sisters Day or Ventura Day for short.” The mayor agreed and announced today Ventura Day.

The Ventura Sisters were very happy. As the years went by, the Ventura sisters got married. Savannah got married to Merc who was the owner of Adventura which was the grocery store in Ventura.

While Aurora married Assesa who was the Ventura writer, Savannah had a baby who’s named Gelica was known as Stella later in life. Aurora had a baby too a couple years later. Aurora named the baby Meloniclia who was known as Penny later in life.

So if you see Venus, that is the remains of Ventura and maybe the Ventura sisters live there with their family along with the rest of the former Ventura people. That’s the end of the story! I hope you enjoyed this story.

Why Ladybugs Wear Black And Red

Hey, everyone! I got inspired on April 10th when my mother Camilla Downs saw a ladybug in her hair. Here are some related links:, and I hope you enjoy!

One day long ago, there lived a ladybug named Spotty (nicknamed Oreo) who loved to eat Oreos. Her mother even teasingly joked that if she didn’t stop eating Oreos, she would turn red and black all over.

Little did Spotty know, there was an evil wizard hiding behind a huge bush who planned to turn Spotty and future ladybugs red and black all over. So one day the wizard disguised herself as an aunt to Spotty.

The wizard asked, “Can my favorite niece stay over at my home?”. Spotty said, “Sure thing, Angelina (the name of her real aunt).” Boy, Spotty was surprised when she saw a wizard’s lab instead of a cozy home with 2 beds.

The wizard took off the disguise and secretly did the potion. After she was done making the potion, she disguised herself once again as an aunt. “Spotty, my dear. I have some of your favorite fruit juice”, said the wizard.

Spotty said, “Thank you, Angelina! I was thirsty.” As soon as Spotty took a sip of the potion, Spotty said, “I feel funny.” “Keep drinking the juice, it will help you feel better”, said the wizard knowingly.

So Spotty continued to drink the juice until the cup was empty. When she looked in the mirror and saw her reflection, she gasped. She was red with black spots all over.  The wizard walked in not wearing the disguise.

Spotty said, “I knew it, you are a wizard. You aren’t my aunt.” Spotty flew all the way home. Luckily, the wizard’s potion didn’t affect most ladybugs. So if you see a red with blacks dots, it might be Spotty.


Why Butterflies Float In The Sky

Hey, everyone! On April 9th, I saw a butterfly flying across the sky and I got inspired to write a story about the butterfly. Here are some related stories:, and I hope you enjoy!

Once in a land far away named Blossomia, a butterfly named Orchid Rose (nicknamed Rose) hoovered low over the ground as she flew. Suddenly, Orchid gasped as a thought came to mind and landed on the ground safely.

Orchid slowly went to go ask her friend Lemona the Yellow Butterfly (nicknamed Lemon), Orchid said, “Hello, Lemon! I just got a really good idea. Do you want to help me get started with the idea?”.

“Hello, Rose! Sure, can you tell me the idea though”, said Rose.  Orchid said, “Sure.” So Orchid whispered the idea into Lemona’s ear. So Lemona got a balloon and a fan while Orchid got a butterfly vest and an umbrella.

Orchid put on the butterfly vest and opened the umbrella. Lemona blew up the balloon and turned the fan on high and facing the sky. Orchid flapped her wings and took off. Orchid was amazed that she could float.

“Lemon, fly up to the sky and float like me.”, shouted Orchid. Lemona said, “Ok, Rose.” So Lemona flew up to join Rose. So to this day, if you see a butterfly floating in a sea of sky chances are it might just be Lemona or Orchid. That’s the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed the story!

butterflies flying

Why Flowers Dance In The Wind

Hey, everyone! I saw some daffodils blowing in the wind on April 9th and got inspired to write a story about flowers. Here are some related stories I’ve written:, and Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Once long ago, there lived a daffodil named Sunny. She loved the way the sun felt on her petals. At the same time, Sunny wondered why the wind was making her sway from side to side.

So Sunny went to her friend Rosetta the rose to ask why the wind was making her sway. When Sunny got to Rosetta, Sunny got to experience Rosetta swaying in the wind gracefully.

Sunny observed Rosetta for an hour before leaving to ask Dandy the dandelion the same question so she could find out the answer. Sunny said, “Hello, Dandy! Why do I sway in the wind from side to side?”. “Hello, Sunny! You move side to side in the wind to make room for more flowers to move the same way”, explained Dandy.

Sunny thanked Dandy and went to go talk to Rosetta. Sunny asked, “Hey, Rosetta! How do you sway from side to side so gracefully?”. “Hey, Sunny! I sway like this”, said Rosetta as she demonstrated.

So Sunny thanked Rosetta and did what Rosetta had demonstrated at her own home. So if you see a daffodil swaying from side to side gracefully, chances are it could be Sunny swaying among her daffodil friends. That’s the end of the story. As always, I hope you enjoyed!


Why Trees Dance In The Wind

Hey, everyone! I got inspired by the trees dancing in the wind recently to write a story about it. Anyway, here’s a few related blog posts:, and I hope you enjoy!

Once long ago there lived an apple tree who felt that something was missing. But the apple tree didn’t know what was missing. The apple tree’s name was Applicious. So Applicious went to Cherryilious the Cherry tree for help.

Cherryilious said, “Welcome, Applicious! I’ve heard that you know something is missing. Unfortunately, I don’t know what’s missing either. Maybe Windyicious the Wind Flower would know.”

Applicious said, “Ok, thank you anyway. I must get going to Windyicious’s place. Bye, Cherryilious!” So Applicious went to Windyicious for any ideas. Windyicious said, “What can I do to help you today, Miss Applicious?”

Applicious said, “Cherryilious sent me. I wanted to know what was missing. Do you know why?” Windyicious laughed and said, “Yes, I think I know. You aren’t feeling the wind moving through your branches, are you?”

Applicious responded, “Yes, that’s what is missing. Now, I have 1 last question. How am I supposed to feel the wind flowing through my branches?” “Well, just sway lightly like this.”, Windyicious said as he swayed a little.

Applicious said, “Thank you for showing me how to feel the wind flowing through my branches. Now, I must go.” So Applicious stopped by Cherryilious’s place to teach her what Windyicious taught Applicious.

.After Applicious left, she directly went home and how she danced and swayed in the wind. And from that day on, the trees were very happy. So if you ever see trees swaying in the wind that may have been Applicious and Cherryilious. That’s the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed the story!

How The Sea Expanded

Hey, everyone! In honor of World Water Day, I decided to write this story you are about to be reading. Here are some related stories:, and I hope you enjoy!

Once there lived a puddle of water called Juice Icicle who really wanted to be big and flowing largely. So one day, she asked his friend Jamba Drink how she could get large and flowing largely.

Jamba said, “Sure, let’s talk to Jaya about this big dream of yours.” So Juice and Jamba went to Jaya Mamba to talk to Juice’s big dream about being bigger and flow largely. When they arrived, Jaya said, “I’ve heard that Juice has this big dream of being bigger and flow largely. I can grant your wish but you must be careful.”

Juice said, “Ok, I’ll be really careful.” And Jaya said, “Great, I wish for Juice be big and flow largely.” So Juice was transformed into a sea of water. When Juice came to his home, she was so thirsty that she drank a lot of water. By mistake, she turned into an ocean.

So Juice went to Jaya once again. Jaya said kindly, “I’m sorry but I cannot fix the mistake you made but you can make the best out of being the ocean.” Juice bravely said, “I will make the best out of being the ocean.”

So if you see a puddle, sea, or ocean today chances are it is Juice. That’s the end of the story, I hope you enjoy!


Sky and Ocean

Fun Poem Extravaganza

Hey, everyone! As you know, March 21st is World Poetry Day. I’ve decided to write a poem and add a poem from last year and this year to celebrate. Here are some related blog posts:, and I hope you enjoy!

Here’s the first poem I wrote today:

A flower blooms in
the midst of winter
knowingly lasting

Forever running in
a sea of white
as the sun shines.

As its golden petals laid its petals
softly to its soft comfy bed as
it rests in winter.

Here’s the second poem that I wrote last year:

Birds dance in the breeze like ballet dancers
Flowers flow from trees like a waterfall
Trees dance in the sea of grass

Here’s the final poem:

Water is a land
of freedom

Freedom is a gift
of emotion and pride.

While pride is a sea
full of joy.

Emotion is an ocean
full of joy and happiness
with anger and sad falling behind it

As water waves
like a sea of freedom
knowing its beauty awaits.

That’s the end of the poem extravaganza. I hope you enjoyed!


How Flowers Got Their Color

Hey, everyone! Since March 20th is the first day of spring this year, I decided to do a flower story. Here are some other blog posts that are related:, and I hope you enjoy!

Once long ago, there lived a tree called Magic Olaf and in that tree was tons of flower colors that Magic didn’t know what to do with. One day, Rose said, “Do you mind if I grab 2 colors for the game?”. Magic said, “Sure, you can. I was just trying to figure out what I should do with these colors. ”

“Thank you, Magic! I will have my flower friends pick some colors too which will fix your problem,” suggested Rose as she walked off with the colors pink and red. Shortly after Rose said those words, Dandelion walked up and asked, “May I have the yellow and neon orange for the game?” and Magic said, “Yes, you may.”

So Dandelion grabbed yellow and orange while Daffodil grabbed pale yellow and creamy yellow. So Rose wrapped the red color around the outside of her petals and the pink on the inside of her petals and she had borrowed a beautiful green to wrap around the stem.

The other flowers including Dandelion and Daffodil were doing the same as Rose. The game was to camouflage into the color they matched. Little did they know that an evil flower fairy put roots on all the flowers and they stayed with the colors they chose except the colors had melted into the ground.

So if you see any pretty colored flowers, chances are that they were in the game many years ago. That’s the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed this story! I also hope this story got you into a springy mood!


What If Rainbows Were Magical?

Hey, everyone! Last week, I saw a rainbow on me through a prism and I wondered about what would happen if rainbows could heal aches and pains. So I came up with this story you are about to read. By the way, here are some related stories:, and I hope you enjoy!

Once long ago, a little girl had scratched her arm and her guardian angel came to her and said, “See this rainbow? If you touch your arm to the rainbow, it will call my presence into the rainbow and heal you.”

So the little girl touched her arm to the rainbow and to her amazement, she saw a beautiful glow coming from the rainbow and the glow was on her arm where the scratch had been.

Many years passed and the little girl was now 16 and her name is Sparkle. Sparkle wondered how she could have the rainbow heal everyone’s aches and pains. She decided to make her own rainbow to help her adjust her theories and ideas.

Finally, Sparkle had the final result called Magical Rainbow. After she made Magical Rainbow, she began to wonder what would happen if she made food and drinks even more tasty with a rainbow.

Sparkle sprinkled her Magical Rainbow potion onto the food and drinks she could adjust her theories and thoughts. After a lot of tasting, she came up with Tasty Magical Rainbow which is the final result.

After Sparkle made Tasty Magical Rainbow, she wondered how else she could improve both potions. Suddenly she got an awesome idea, she could mix the potions together and add a few touches of rainbows that can do anything.

At long last, Sparkle had her final product called YummyBear Magic Rainbow. Everyone wanted to try the new product. So remember Sparkle whenever a rainbow shines on you or see a rainbow.

That’s the end of the story! I hope you enjoyed the story!

Bright Rainbow

Lillian’s Top 9 Ways To Stay Healthy

Hey, everyone! I decided to do an informative blog post on staying healthy.  Here’s a blog post that relates: I hope you enjoy!


  1. Eat fruit at least 3 times a day. Dried apricot, pear, and apple are all ideal fruit. If you don’t like fruit you should at least drink a little fruit juice. It always helps if you have a variety of fruit to eat. I eat strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple when available. I also eat a lot of apples (which is anti-inflammatory) and pear (which is semi anti-inflammatory).
  2. Eat vegetables at least 3 times a day as well. Broccoli, carrot, and cucumber are good choices for vegetables. If you don’t like vegetables, try to drink vegetable juice. I eat carrot, broccoli, cucumber (if available), and beets (if available).


  1. Yoga is a great way to stretch your body. Yoga can help you with almost any kind of pain. Do yoga at least 3 days a week. I try to do yoga twice a week.
  2. Swimming is an awesome and fun summer exercise to do. Swimming is a great way to cool off and get plenty exercise. Do swimming at least every other day except on weekends (really it’s up to you) while the pool is open. I try to go almost every day in the summer excluding weekends.
  3. Dancing is a good every day exercise you can do. Dancing can help your muscles get stronger. Do dancing at least once a week. I dance at least once a month.
  4. Walking is a great everyday exercise you can do. Walking is a great way to take in nature. Do walking 3 times a week or more (really it should be up to you). I try to go for walks once a week or more.
  5. Running is a fantastic every day exercise you can do. Running can help your leg muscles get a lot stronger. Do running at least 3 times a week or more (it’s up to you really). I try to run at least once a week.


  1. Juice can be a great alternative to water sometimes. Drink at least one cup of not from concrete juice a day. For me, I prefer to have one cup of juice (with water) a day when available. It is also a great help for slushies (in the summer or anytime you eat them).
  2. Drink at least 2 cups of room temperature spring water a day. Water can be used to make a flavorless slushie as well. For me though, I prefer to have 2 cups of water every day.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post!

Bartlett Pears