Hey, everyone! I got inspired by the trees dancing in the wind recently to write a story about it. Anyway, here’s a few related blog posts: https://lilliandarnell.com/2018/03/22/how-the-sea-expanded/, https://lilliandarnell.com/2018/03/20/how-flowers-got-their-color/, and https://lilliandarnell.com/2018/03/19/what-if-rainbows-were-magical/. I hope you enjoy!
Once long ago there lived an apple tree who felt that something was missing. But the apple tree didn’t know what was missing. The apple tree’s name was Applicious. So Applicious went to Cherryilious the Cherry tree for help.
Cherryilious said, “Welcome, Applicious! I’ve heard that you know something is missing. Unfortunately, I don’t know what’s missing either. Maybe Windyicious the Wind Flower would know.”
Applicious said, “Ok, thank you anyway. I must get going to Windyicious’s place. Bye, Cherryilious!” So Applicious went to Windyicious for any ideas. Windyicious said, “What can I do to help you today, Miss Applicious?”
Applicious said, “Cherryilious sent me. I wanted to know what was missing. Do you know why?” Windyicious laughed and said, “Yes, I think I know. You aren’t feeling the wind moving through your branches, are you?”
Applicious responded, “Yes, that’s what is missing. Now, I have 1 last question. How am I supposed to feel the wind flowing through my branches?” “Well, just sway lightly like this.”, Windyicious said as he swayed a little.
Applicious said, “Thank you for showing me how to feel the wind flowing through my branches. Now, I must go.” So Applicious stopped by Cherryilious’s place to teach her what Windyicious taught Applicious.
.After Applicious left, she directly went home and how she danced and swayed in the wind. And from that day on, the trees were very happy. So if you ever see trees swaying in the wind that may have been Applicious and Cherryilious. That’s the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed the story!