Hey, everyone! This story is about a girl who wants to become a princess. Her life is changed in a way she’ll never forget. Read more to find out what happens. I hope you enjoy!
Once there was a girl named Britney, she was always beautiful and kind but she was lonely. You see, Britney’s parents left for America when she was 3 and her friends left for Hawaii when she was 5.
One day, Britney was in her garden thinking about lovely it would be to be a princess. Suddenly, she heard her name being called out and she wondered who it was.When she saw a maid with a scroll, she asked who the maid was and what the scroll was.
The maid told her name was Maid Becca of England and the scroll was an invitation to the ball of England. When Becca left, she opened the scroll carefully. The scroll explained that Princess Lillian was too young to rule England so Queen Camilla declared a ball to figure out who the temporary princess should be.
The scroll explained that Princess Lillian was too young to rule England so Queen Camilla declared a ball to figure out who the temporary princess should be.
The invitation said to be there at 7:00 pm and to wear a gown or dress to the ball. Britney saw it was 6:30 pm and she went to find her beautiful sparkly rainbow gown with a ribbon around the hem and her matching sparkly rainbow tiara. (The tiara was handmade by Britney herself).
About 10 minutes later, Britney was ready for the ball. By 6:50, she saw a beautiful carriage. She stepped into the magnificent carriage and in 5 minutes they arrived.
As Britney walked into the castle, she tried to imagine what it would be like to live in the castle. Britney approached slowly to the ballroom, not sure what to expect. When Britney entered the ballroom, she found herself looking down at royalty.
After she looked down at royalty, she slowly headed down shiny marble steps in a spiral. Everyone including the royalty family looked in awe at Britney. She began to dance in slow graceful moves that impressed everyone.
When she went over to the table that had fruit punch, she started talking to Queen Camilla and King Camelot about how kind she was, she wondered being a princess was like.
When Queen Camilla finished talking, Britney politely grabbed a chocolate covered cherry. While Britney talked to Princess Lillian, Queen Camilla and King Camelot discussed whether Britney should be the temporarily crowned princess or not.
After a few hours, Queen Camilla announced it was time to decide who the temporarily crowned princess will be. Queen Camilla began, “The crowned princess will be…,” paused Queen Camilla for effect.
As a few seconds went by, Britney felt her heart beating with anxiousness. “Britney”, said Queen Camilla. Britney couldn’t believe what she had heard but she walked up to the thrones when she heard her name.
Queen Camilla said, “I now declare you Princess Britney of England. Would you like to make a speech, Princess Britney?” Britney responded with a polite yes. Britney told the royalty and people who came to the ball that she was honored to be the princess of England, tour the castle, and she would get to know everyone in the castle.
Britney ended her speech by saying, “Beauty is always in you, no matter what people say.” By the time the ball was over, it was 11:00 pm and Britney thought she should get some rest before exploring the castle the next day and she easily found her bedroom.
The next morning, she woke up not knowing where she was. After a few seconds, Britney realized she was in a castle bedroom. Now that the sun was up, she could see the princess room.
When Britney stepped outside her bedroom door, she saw a note from Queen Camilla saying that breakfast was in the ballroom at 8:30 am and when Britney looked at a nearby clock it said 7:30 pm.
The note said she had a maid named Becca to help her get dressed. Britney would just ring the bell so the maid would hear it. She rang the bell with the sweetest movement.
Britney went to her bedroom and she saw Maid Becca. Maid Becca said as she dressed Britney, “Good Morning, Princess Britney. Congratulations on becoming a princess! I think you should walk to the dining room for breakfast.”
Britney had said in response, “Good Morning, Maiden Becca! Thank you kindly. I will walk to the dining room after I take a quick glance in the mirror. “ Britney took a quick glance in the mirror and gasped.
Britney was wearing a sparkly striped rainbow dress with rosettes in her hair. She had indigo-rainbow shoes on her feet and a beautiful blue rainbow tiara on her head. Britney walked into the dining room carefully.
Britney watched how the royalty eats and she repeated the movement. After breakfast, Britney explored the castle and she met the people working inside the castle. Maid Becca told her there was a royal garden in the courtyard which was through doors.
When Maid said the word garden, Britney’s face lit up with delight. When Britney saw the garden, she walked around exploring the garden until the birds sung. Britney saw a message from Queen Camilla saying royal lessons were to be in the royal gym.
Britney told herself that she would have to come back. So Britney went back to her bedroom and rung the bell again but this time Maid Becca brought the royal tailor in to create a simple gym dress. Maid Becca gave the sizing to the royal tailor.
Britney waited patiently for the royal tailor to get done with the dress. The simple dress was created just 3 seconds later. She left her room feeling amazed and headed to the royal gym.
Britney walked into the royal gym, not sure what to expect. She was surprised to find a tutor who had lived in the castle several years and the tutor helped the past princesses and princes learn about royalty.
Britney was pleased to find the tutor was funny and shared a love of nature. Queen Camilla said Britney’s royal lessons will begin on Thursdays. Britney was delighted she had Thursdays to look forward to.
During her royal lesson, Britney learned about yoga. After her royal lesson, she found a note from King Camelot. He said to meet in the ballroom for dancing lessons.
So Britney went to her bedroom to get dressed with help from Maid Becca. After Maid Becca finished dressing her, she went to the ballroom for dancing. She was surprised the same tutor was there.
This time, the tutor demonstrated dance moves for her. The tutor explained that yoga was related to dancing in a way. After her dance lesson, she found a note telling her lunch was ready. She quickly walked toward the dining room.
Before Britney could open the door to the dining room, she was greeted by Queen Camilla. Queen Camilla said Britney was doing great and that ruling lessons began tomorrow because she was doing a great job.
Maid Becca was standing around and she offered to open the door for them. Queen Camilla and Princess Britney said it would be lovely. When they entered the door, Britney sat down to eat but she figured she should wait until everyone in the dining room was eating.
At 12:15 pm, everyone was eating including Britney herself. After lunch, there were no notes so she decided to go back to the garden again. This time, she looked around the garden until she saw a few butterflies and peacocks and she sang to them.
The peacocks and butterflies didn’t want Britney to go when she saw the note from Queen Camilla. So she went to Queen Camilla’s throne room. The first thing Queen Camilla asked was how was her day.
Britney responded by saying her day was great. The next thing Queen Camilla asked was what her favorite part of the day was. Britney said, “Going out to the garden.”
Queen Camilla asked, “Is there anything else you’d like to improve?” Britney had told Queen Camilla that she thought her singing needed to be improved. Before Britney left, Queen Camilla told her that dinner would be around 6:15 pm.
Queen Camilla had also told Britney that she had the rest of the day to do whatever she wished to do. So Britney headed toward Maid Becca and asked her if there were any different gardens.
Maid Becca said there was a butterfly garden, bird garden, flower garden. Britney thought she would go to the butterfly garden. Maid Becca told her how to get to the butterfly garden.
When Britney opened the door, she was amazed to see so many butterflies. So she walked around humming to the butterflies. Again when she left to go look for the bird garden, the butterflies didn’t want her to leave.
Britney found the bird garden easily. She was impressed with how many birds there were. As she walked in the garden, she tweeted, chirped, hooted, and cooed with a sweet melody.
Once again, the birds didn’t want her to go when she went to go to the flower garden. Britney found the flower garden door. Britney thought that the flower garden looked identical to the main garden but she went in anyway.
She sang again with a lilt in her voice and the birds and butterflies came to her. This time, the birds sang along while the butterflies fluttered their wings to the tune. The birds and butterflies didn’t want Britney to go.
Britney knew she had to go get ready for dinner. This time as Britney walked, she saw King Camelot walking toward her. When King Camelot approached, he asked how Britney liked living here and he also said Princess Lillian enjoys Britney’s company.
Britney said, “I enjoy living here, Your Majesty. I’m glad that Princess Lillian enjoys my company.” The king held the door open for Britney. When Britney sat down, she noticed everyone but King Camelot eating.
So Britney determined she should eat. Britney also made a mental note to ask the tutor what the proper way to eat at a castle is later. When she was heading out of the dining room, she saw Maid Macy in the royal library cleaning the books.
Britney decided she would go into the library to read instead going back to the garden. She asked Maid Macy had any book recommendations for her. Maid Macy grabbed a book called the Sunshine Beauty by F. Lien for her.
Maid Macy asked her if the book sounded good. Britney told her it sounded great to her. It was getting late so Britney took the book with her to bed. She read a little before she turned off her royal lamp.
Britney lay in the dark thinking about the busy day ahead of her. After a while, she drifted off to sleep. When she woke up, it was morning again. She got up to ring the bell to Maid Becca’s attention.
Instantly, Maid Becca came and dressed her. This time after Maid Becca dressed her, Britney had more time to talk to Maid Becca because Britney woke up a little earlier. Britney talked about her old home and it’s garden.
While Maid Becca told her about her pets and her books. Maid Becca also told her that she’d often go to the royal library. Britney showed her the Sunshine Beauty book. After a little while though, Britney had to get to the dining room.
As Britney headed to the dining room, Britney stopped by the royal library to see if Maid Macy was there. Britney didn’t see Maid Macy in there so she went on her way to the dining room. Surprisingly, she got to the dining room early.
Britney looked around the dining room and saw pictures of past Queens and Kings of England. Finally, it was 7:00 am and Queen Camilla walked in with King Camelot. The maids who ate breakfast with them walked in.
They were all surprised to see Princess Britney sitting in her chair looking around the dining room. Britney noticed the surprised looks on Queen Camilla, King Camelot, and the maids.
Britney explained that she hadn’t looked around in the dining room fully. Queen Camilla said, “I’m okay with that, Britney.” The king and maids agreed with Queen Camilla.
They all began to eat breakfast together and nothing was heard but eating sounds. After breakfast, she went to have a ruling lesson with the tutor. Before they started on the ruling lesson though, Britney remembered to ask what the proper way to eat at a castle.
The tutor said,” That question is a big question with a short answer. I have noticed they don’t wait for everyone to start eating and they eat quietly as a mouse.” So the tutor began the ruling lesson.
Britney learned what the proper way to wave and speak to crowds of people. After she left the tutor, she decided to go to the flower garden to read. Britney thought she should read out loud to the animals.
So she began to read out loud until she had to leave. The animals didn’t want Britney to go. Britney promised she’d bring food for them soon.
Britney went to her royal music lesson next in the music room. After she left the music room, she went directly to the library to check for Maid Macy. Britney saw Maid Macy in the library.
Britney immediately asked Maid Macy about seeing Maid Becca. Maid Macy said she’d seen Maid Becca several times in the library. After she left the library, she went to get some lunch because she was starving.
The lunch today was chip chicken and bacon wrapped pork. Britney was delighted to be treated with yummy delicacies. After lunch, she went to her dancing lesson. She practiced basic ballet moves.
After Britney was done in the ballroom, she went to the flower garden and like she promised she brought food with her. After she left the garden, she went to talk to Queen Camilla about singing lessons.
Queen Camilla told her that her singing was beautiful but it needed more tune to it. After Britney left the throne room, she went to her first singing lesson. She learned basic tips of singing a better tune and how to soothe her throat for singing.
After the singing lesson, Britney went to the royal gym to swim until dinner. At dinner, she began thinking about writing a story. After dinner, she went to her bedroom to take notes of her ideas.
After she finished her story ideas, she rang the bell for Maid Becca. Instantly, Maid Becca came. Britney asked Maid Becca if she knew any story starters.
Maid Becca said she did and told her the tips. After Maid Becca left, Britney started writing the first draft of a story. Shortly after she had finished writing her chapter, she sat in her bed reading.
After reading 2 chapters though, Britney felt tired so she turned off the lamp and went to sleep. When Britney woke up the next morning, something seemed wrong but she didn’t know what. So she rang the bell like she usually would have.
Maid Becca didn’t come so Britney looked in the maid book for how many rings would summon Maid Macy. The book said to do only 2 rings. Instantly, Maid Macy came in. Maid Macy dressed Britney quickly.
After Maid Macy dressed Britney, Britney asked where Maid Becca was. Maid Macy responded that Maid Becca wasn’t feeling good. Maid Macy and Britney walked to the dining room for breakfast.
When Queen Camilla came in, Maid Macy and Britney walked over to Queen Camilla to ask if they could announce that Maid Becca was sick. Queen Camilla said, “Alright.”
After Maid Macy and Britney announced that Maid Becca was sick, they ate and then they went to see Maid Becca. Maid Becca who had looked so cheerful last night looked pale and sad. Britney went to her singing lesson first that morning.
Britney sang with a bit of tune but she was too worried about Maid Becca. After her singing lesson, she went to see Maid Becca again.
The royal doctor reported that Maid Becca was expecting a baby. Britney raced to the maid headquarters to tell the maids.
The maids were impressed including Maid Macy. The maids and Britney went to tell King Camelot and Queen Camilla together. Queen Camilla seemed surprised and relieved when she heard the news.
King Camelot seemed anxious and excited. After the maids and Britney left the throne room, Britney went to her dance lesson. Britney danced her emotions out freely. Her tutor was amazed at how freely she danced when she let her emotions out.
The tutor asked Britney why it was so easy for her. Britney told the tutor about the news and the tutor was pleased. After Britney’s dancing lesson, she went to sing in the bird garden. Britney sang her emotions out.
The animals had gotten used to Britney leaving them. After Britney left the garden, she went to her music lesson. The tutor taught her a new tune on the ukulele and she did it perfectly.
After Britney was done with her music lesson, she went to see Maid Becca. Britney was delighted to see Maid Becca awake. Britney greeted her with a good morning and Maid Becca told her good morning in a quiet voice.
Maid Becca slowly fell asleep again and Britney left. Britney headed to her bedroom and she suspected something strange. Britney began writing the clues down. She got the answer for the question. The tutor was Maid Becca’s husband.
Britney left to talk to Queen Camilla. Britney told Queen Camilla what she’d discovered. Queen Camilla looked confused and asked for the tutor. Queen Camilla asked,” Is it true are you Maid Becca’s husband?” The tutor responded yes.
The tutor told Britney that she was a clever girl. After meeting with Queen Camilla, Britney went to see Maid Becca but this time the doctor was there. The doctor told Britney that the baby was almost fully grown and that the baby would come out on Thursday. Britney had the whole afternoon to do whatever she pleased.
Britney went to her room to work on her story. After Britney finished writing the 2nd chapter, dinner was ready. She walked into the dining room and ate dinner. After she ate dinner, she went back to her bedroom to write the 3rd chapter.
The third chapter Britney wrote was about a princess. After she finished her 3rd chapter, Britney went to the dining room to eat dinner. Britney told Queen Camilla about when Maid Becca’s baby was due to come.
Queen Camilla was amazed. The queen told Britney she could go visit Maid Becca anytime from that point on. After dinner, Britney went out to the flower garden to watch the sunset and pick flowers.
The flowers she picked were lavender, rose, lilies, daffodils, dandelions, and more flowers. After Britney was done picking flowers, she went to the royal craft room to spruce the flowers up.
After Britney finished sprucing the flowers up, she did a 3-second portrait in full color of the flowers. She went to Maid Becca to give her the flowers.
This time, Maid Becca was awake. So Britney asked, “Do you feel well enough to tell me about how you married the tutor? If the story is too long, you could just tell the story slowly. I could ask the tutor if you don’t feel well enough.”
Maid Becca said, “I think I feel well enough to tell you.” So Maid Becca told Britney about how the tutor and Maid Becca met. Maid Becca told her that they met in Greenland and how Maid Becca had worked as a gardener in the Kingdom of Luna.
After Maid Becca said she was too sleepy to continue the story, Britney headed to her room to work on her story. After she finished her 4th chapter, she got into her bed and read 3 chapters more of her book because she had more time tonight.
After Britney finished reading, she turned off the light and lay awake thinking how much excitement there had been Saturday. The next morning, Britney woke up the next morning and realized today was Sunday.
Britney found Queen Camilla was in the throne room so she went to the throne room to ask if she had almost the whole day off and whether she had to go to the church. “Yes you have almost all day off “, said Queen Camilla, “You do have church lessons in the royal library every Sunday. You could even pray for Becca”.
Britney told Queen Camilla that she would like to pray for Maid Becca. She went to her church lesson just after breakfast. The royal preacher read part of the Bible and then the royal preacher announced it was praying time.
Britney prayed for Maid Becca like she said she would. She also prayed for the tutor and the other maids. After the church lesson, she went to see Maid Becca. Once again, the royal doctor was there.
The royal doctor asked if Britney wanted to feel Maid Becca’s stomach. She said yes. Britney instantly put her hand on Maid Becca’s stomach and she felt a kick come from inside Maid Becca’s stomach.
Britney asked if that was the baby kicking Maid Becca’s stomach. The royal doctor chuckled and answered yes. Britney went to tell the ladies in waiting about the baby so they could tell Queen Camilla.
Queen Camilla was impressed by the update. After Britney left the throne room, she went to write another chapter of her book. Britney thought she was so lucky to get story tips from Maid Becca before they found out that Maid Becca was expecting a baby.
After Britney had finished writing 3 chapters of her book, she read a little bit of the book that Maid Macy had given her. After she finished reading, she realized she was hungry. So Britney went to look at the clock to see if it was close to lunch.
The clock said 12:15 pm and Britney knew that lunch was over. Luckily, she found Queen Camilla heading out of the dining room. Britney explained she had accidentally missed lunch.
Queen Camilla suggested Britney goes to the dining room to see if the food was still out. Surprisingly, the food was still out and almost everyone was still sitting. So Britney started eating lunch because she was starving.
Maid Macy told Britney that she’d received more news about Maid Becca’s baby while Britney ate her lunch. Maid Macy told her that the baby was to be a baby girl. After Maid Macy left, she ate quickly so she could go see Maid Becca.
As Britney walked into the door, she saw the doctor again. Britney asked what the doctor was doing and the doctor told her that she was helping examine the stomach to help guess how much the baby would weigh.
After Britney responded to the royal doctor, she left Maid Becca & the doctor and she went to the flower garden to think of how crazy her past week had been. She couldn’t believe that last week she was just at her cottage in her garden.
After Britney was in the flower garden, she went to have dinner with the royal family. After dinner, Britney went to see Maid Becca again. The royal doctor said the baby might come out on Tuesday which was earlier than expected.
After the royal doctor left, she talked to Maid Becca about how crazy her previous week had been. Maid Becca nodded to show she agreed about how crazy the previous week had been. After Britney left Maid Becca, she went to her room to write her next to the last chapter of the book she was writing.
Then Britney read a little more of the book she was reading. After Britney read, she went to tell Queen Camilla & King Camelot about the baby being born on Tuesday instead of Thursday.
When Britney told Queen Camilla and King Camelot, they were surprised and called Princess Lillian into the royal throne room. After Princess Lillian was told about the news, she also looked surprised.
Queen Camilla, King Camelot, and Princess Lillian suggested they try to find a good name for a baby girl just in case Maid Becca needed help choosing a name. “Can you check with the royal tutor and Maid Becca to see what Maid Becca’s plan is after she has her baby?” asked King Camelot.
Britney said, “I’d be glad to check with the royal tutor and Maid Becca to see what plan is after her baby is born.” So Britney went to find the royal tutor to see if he knew what Maid Becca’s plan was.
When Britney found him, she asked him if he knew Maid Becca’s plan. He responded that he knew. He told her that her plan was to still work as a part-time maid. Britney was relieved and then asked what his plan was.
The royal tutor told Britney that he was still going to be a full-time tutor for the royalties. Britney went to Queen Camilla to tell her about Maid Becca’s plan. Queen Camilla called Maid Macy into the royal throne room to tell her that she would be a part-time maid for Maid Becca.
After Britney left, she went to her room to sleep. She hardly could wait to see what was in store for Monday. On Monday morning, she woke up excited because the baby girl would be due Tuesday.
Britney called Maid Macy to help her get dressed and she went to see Maid Becca. The royal doctor was there again and the doctor told her she was in contractions.
Britney was concerned but she went to go get Queen Camilla and King Camelot. Britney urged Maid Becca to push a little for a few minutes. After she left, she went to eat breakfast.
Britney went out to the bird garden to sing to help her feel better. She also went to read and write in her room before lunch. She had herbal chicken nuggets with curly fries, waffle fries, and smiley face fries for lunch.
Britney was glad to have something yummy to eat on such an important day. After she finished her yummy meal, she went to talk to Queen Camilla. After she’d talked to Queen Camilla, she went to find Maid Macy to talk to her.
Britney and Maid Macy talked until dinner time. At dinner, she wondered how Maid Becca was doing. After dinner, she went to see Maid Becca. She asked the doctor how Maid Becca was doing.
The royal doctor told Britney that Maid Becca was okay. After the visit to Maid Becca, she decided to go to bed a little early so she could be awake in case the baby came in the morning.
Of course, Britney still wrote her story and read a little in bed before going to sleep. On Tuesday morning, she quickly rang the bell to tell Maid Macy to dress her. After she dressed, she went to see Maid Becca.
Britney could already see the baby’s feet sticking out. She asked the royal doctor if she had time to devour her breakfast and share the news to Queen Camilla and King Camelot.
The royal doctor told her that Britney had enough time to eat her breakfast and tell Queen Camilla. So she went by Queen Camilla’s royal throne room to share the news.
Britney told Queen Camilla to pass the news to King Camelot and the other royalty. So she went to eat a waffle topped with fruit on it for breakfast and hurried back to the royal nursery room where everyone was quietly watching.
Soon, Britney could see the baby’s belly. Shortly after, she could see the head. Once the baby was out, the royal doctor wrapped it in a special blanket. The royal doctor let Maid Becca holds the baby. Maid Becca declared the name to be Katie.
The royal tutor was relieved to see the baby girl. So as the year went by, Princess Lillian grew into a wise 10-year-old child. Meanwhile, Katie grew and talked as well as walked by the time the year was over.
As for Britney, she resumed her studying and lessons. Britney still found time to read, sing, write, and walk in the gardens. As promised, Maid Becca returned to her maid duty for the half time maid job.
As 8 more years passed, everything was normal. Katie was a talented 9 year old at the time. Queen Camilla and King Camelot talked about getting Princess Lillian ready to rule.
Britney was finally ready for her final test as a temporary princess. After Britney succeeded, Queen Camilla and King Camelot had a surprise for Britney.
The surprise was a plane ticket to take Britney to see her parents in America and to see her friends in Hawaii. Britney was excited but she asked if she could still come visit. Queen Camilla and King Camelot said, “Yes, you may.”
Of course, Britney went home to her beautiful cottage for a few days first before her trip. After 3 days past, she went flew on a special plane to America to see her parents. She was excited.
Britney recognized her parents immediately as she stepped outside the airport. Her parents ran over and said, “Wow, Britney. You have gotten tall and have grown up.” So she explained how she got to America.
Britney stayed for a few days to know how life was in America. She left America by boat to travel to Hawaii. She immediately recognized her friends the moment she stepped off the boat.
Britney’s friends ran over to Britney and said, “Wow, you look amazing, Britney! It’s so great to see you again!” So Britney stayed a little while to see what life was like in Hawaii. Soon she had to go back home though.
Britney hoped to see her parents and friends again soon. Many years later, her friends and parents came to visit her. They had the most fun together before heading back to the United States of America.
A few years later, Britney met a man named Mark and fell in love. They married 9 years later. After that, she had 3 babies. Their names were Heidi, Abby, and Sierra. They all lived happily ever after.
The End!