Emotions With Animals: Sad Cats

Hey there, everyone! Welcome back to Emotions With Animals. These posts are to help with learning purposes, animal lovers, and to help with emotions. I recently posted Mindful GoslingsA Mindful Mermaid StoryHappy Dogs, and A Happy Fairy.

Cats yowl and protects itself by wrapping his tail, crouching low, holding ears in a fearful or cautious manner, and glum whiskers.

People sometimes make noises like cats do when they’re sad. People try to protect themselves by forcing the tears into a lump in the throat. People will be silent and thinking. The people will have a sad smile, half smile, or sad face.

Here’s some tips of how not to be sad if you feel like you are sad.

It’s okay to be sad. You don’t have to be happy unless you want to get out of the sadness stage.

Find something that makes you laugh. Look at someone who’s hilarious to you, smile, read something, watch something, or draw something funny.

Keep in mind that I post Emotions with Animals every Friday. Look for my weekly emotion story!

Also, don’t forget to check out Thomas‘s blog post on his website. It’s about Thomas selling copies of his painted rocks. If you wish, go and buy a rock or 2. Find out more details at the link above.  Check out Camilla’s blog at Mindful Musings and she’ll give you more emotion tips and anything.

I found this photo on Google Images. They're so cute!

I found this photo on Google Images. They’re so cute!