Hey, everyone! This is my 46th book recommendation. I appreciate any friends, family member, or author who reads these books. Thank you!
1. Sky Sweeper by Phillis Gershator
2. Graphic Design by James Bow
3. Mysterious Guests by Eric A. Kimmel
4. The Blizzard by Betty Ren Wright
5. Real Princesses by Valerie Wilding
6. Owl Moon by Jane Yolen
7. Children of the Dragon by Sherry Garland
8. Nature Ranger by Richard Walker
9. The Nifty-Gritty Gardening Book by Kari Cornell
10. The Case of the Christmas Snowman by James Preller
11. The Case of the Best Pet Ever by James Preller
12. Switched at Birthday by Natalie Standiford
13. Thea Stilton and the Lost Letters by Geronimo Stilton
14. Red Pizzas for a Blue Count by Geronimo Stilton
15. The Thirteen Ghosts by Geronimo Stilton
16. Shadow of the Sharks by Mary Pope Osborne
17. Ernest Hemingway by Jim Whiting
18. Sand Dollar Summer by Kimberly K. Jones
19. Larger Than Life by Matt Donnelly
20. Stick Dog Tries to Take the Donuts by Tom Watson
21. Dragonwings by Laurence Yep
22. The Man With The Red Bag by Eve Bunting
23. Drama Queen by Monica Brown
24. Meet Caroline by Kathleen Ernest
25. Caroline Takes A Chance by Kathleen Ernest
26. Seven Wild Sisters by Charles De Lint
27. Friends For Life by Andrew Norris
28. The Shining Princess by Eric Quayle
29. Who Is Richard Branson? by Michael Burgan
30. Rechenka’s Eggs by Patricia Polacco
31. When Lightning Comes In A Jar by Patricia Polacco
32. Shells! Shells! Shells! by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace
33. Emma Kate by Patricia Polacco
34. Just In Time, Abraham Lincoln by Patricia Polacco
35. Look and Make With Paper by Matthew Parselle
36. Look What You Can Make With Paper Plates by Margie Hayes Richmond
37. Chicken Sunday by Patricia Polacco
38. Old Jake’s Skirts by C. Anne Scott
39. Grumbles from the Forest by Jane Yolen and Rebecca Kai Dotlich
40. When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead
41. The Key to Extraordinary by Natalie Lloyd
42. Chickadee by Louise Erdrich
43. The Secret of the Ginger Mice by Frances Watts
44. The Nitty-Gritty Gardening Book by Kari Cornell
45. Far From Fair by Elana K. Arnold
46. Nick and Tesla’s Solar-Powered Showdown by Science Bob Pflugfelder and Steve Hockensmith
47. You Can’t Take A Balloon Into The Museum of Fine Arts by Jacqueline Preiss Weitzman and Robin Preiss Glasser
48. Machu Picchu by Elizabeth Mann
(If you’re wondering what the blue links are, they’re Amazon Affiliates. Thank you!)