Hey, everyone! This blog post is a summary of what I did at the Chromosome 18p- conference. I hope you enjoy reading this blog post. In case you’re wondering, the links are Thomas’, Camilla’s, Team TLC’s blogs, and Chromosome 18’s website.
July 11th, 2017:

Borrowed from Camilla On the airplane waiting to take off.
We woke up early that morning to get to the airport and go through security. I went up the stairs to get to the flights while Camilla and Thomas went up the escalator. We got on the airplane right on time thankfully. Sadly, one of the plane engines wouldn’t start. We got to see a beautiful sunrise while we were sitting on the plane waiting for them to fix the plane engine. After the beautiful sunrise, the plane lifted off the ground.
We sat on the plane for about 3 ½ hours and watched clouds. I played a few offline games on my tablet. I also finished a Hawaiian magazine while on the plane. I got Fritos® chips and honey roasted peanuts which I ate along with honey roasted cashews, apricots, and cereal. To go with that snack, I got some apple juice and water which I drank during the flight.
I also tried to see Lake Michigan when we were about to land but it was too cloudy for that. When we got off the plane in Chicago Midway International Airport, we walked to an elevator and got off on the ground level of the airport.

Waiting for our hotel room. Borrowed from Camilla
Camilla found our luggage and then we used a Lyft taxi to get us to Naperville’s Chicago Marriott where we met a few 18q and 18p- friends in the lobby while waiting to get a hotel room. Once we went up to our hotel room, we started unpacking and ate our lunch/snack that Camilla got us from The Artisan Table (the restaurant that’s in the hotel).
After settling in, I went down to the lobby with Thomas to see if any of my 18p- and 18q- friends were there. Camilla came down a little after I went up to tell her that it was almost dinner time. Camilla ran into several of her friends. I ran into a lot of friends at that time including Katie Baker. We took the Marriot shuttle down to Downtown Naperville to have dinner at an Irish pub named Quigley’s.
Once we got back from Quigley’s, I went up to the hotel room to put some things away. After that, I got a little lost trying to find the pool so I sat down and texted Camilla to find out. Although that wasn’t much help, I found the pool much to my luck. Just out the window, I could see a thunderstorm forming.
After we were done checking out the pool, Camilla and I sat on the hotel’s deck outside the hotel’s main entrances when it starting raining. After a few hours sitting there, we headed up to the room to get ready to go to bed. I also let Macy Miller (a 18p- friend of mine) know that I was at the hotel and going to bed.
July 12th, 2017:
I woke up around 8:00 am and wondered where I was for a second. I remembered shortly after 2 seconds that I was in Naperville. I wondered where Camilla was. So I messaged Camilla where she was and she had been out on the hotel deck and was right outside hotel room door. I accidentally woke Thomas up while I took a quick bath and watched a thunderstorm while messaging Macy.
I found out that Macy was already in Indiana. After the storm blew away, I prepared to go down to the lobby to see if any friends were there. I managed to catch Rebecca Parker on the elevator. We ate lunch at the Artisan Table. I went up to the room to relax some and check updates from Macy before going down with Camilla to run a quick trip to the bank.
When we got back, we ran into Macy and her family. I went up to the room to relax for a second before heading straight down to the lobby to hang out with Macy. I hung out with Macy a little more before going with her parents to get registered and shortly, Camilla and I went in to get name tags and hung out with Macy when she came out of the registry room. I stayed down in the lobby with Macy until right before dinner when I went up the elevator to get my sunglasses and quickly went back down to Macy, her family, Camilla, and Thomas.

Macy & I Borrowed from Camilla

Gorgeous clouds in Naperville. Taken by me
We went out to dinner with Macy and her family at Bricks Wood Fired Pizza. We saw Katie Baker and Rebecca Parker there as well. We spent an hour there waiting for everyone to finish eating including myself. Once we got back, we went back in the registry room for the silent auction. After the silent auction was over, I hung out with Macy in the registry room.
Macy wanted to know where the pool was so she could go swimming. So Macy got her parents’ permission so I could show Macy where the pool was. As Macy and I headed out of the registry room, we ran into some of Camilla’s friends. I helped Macy make friends while we walked to the pool entrance.
Once I showed Macy the pool, we headed back to the registry room so Macy could get permission to go swimming. Macy and I went to our hotel rooms to get our swimsuits on. I was one second late but I made it on time.
After Macy soaked her feet a little and dried off, she went up to her hotel room with her parents. I was drying off when she said good night to me. I went outside on the hotel deck with Camilla after drying off. After being outside for an hour, I went up to our hotel room to get ready for bed and go to sleep.
July 13th, 2017:
When I woke up, I once again wondered where Camilla was. This time, she had stayed on the hotel deck outside. I went down to her and I sat in an outdoor chair for 3 to 4 hours before going up to the room again until lunch.

Thomas with friends Borrowed from Camilla
The registry served lunch and after I finished eating, I hung out with Macy for a half hour until Macy went out for bowling and pizza. After that, I hung around with some friends didn’t want to go. Camilla and I also had a quick walk around the outside of the hotel. I also hung out at the pool.

Me with flowers Borrowed from Camilla

Me again with same flowers. Borrowed from Camilla

Me and Camilla with a few of the same flowers. Borrowed from Camilla

A beautiful flower. Borrowed from Camilla

A beautiful flower. Borrowed from Camilla
Macy had already gone to bed by the time I came out of the pool. I went to sleep shortly after midnight.
July 14th, 2017:

Camilla with a friend’s dog. Taken by a friends’ sister.

Me with Camilla’s friend. Borrowed from Camilla
I woke up and went down to the lobby to sit out on the hotel deck before it got too warm out. After I sat out there, I went up to the room to get 2 books to read on the couch before checking the time to wait for Macy. The registry provided/served lunch again.

Thomas playing the piano with his friends. Taken by Camilla’s friend

Thomas with his friend and me with Macy. Borrowed from Camilla
After lunch, I hung out with Macy a little before she went to the self-advocate room. I kept reading until Macy came back out and we hung out. We also went out to dinner at Jason’s Deli. After dinner, I hung out with Macy and her father. I also watched them play Monopoly Deal.

Thomas in the Jacuzzi Borrowed from Camilla

Me with a few friends. Taken by Camilla’s friend
Rebecca came by and wanted to play Monopoly Deal. I sat there for 3 straight hours before pointing out the time. So I went up to the room to get ready for bed and go to sleep.
July 15th, 2017:

Me and some friends. Taken by Camilla’s friend

Me, a friend, Camilla, and Chris Ulmer. Taken by a friend

Me with Chris Ulmer. Taken by Camilla

Camilla with a few of her friends. Taken by Camilla’s friend

Camilla with one of her friends. Taken by Camilla’s friend

18p- Group Picture. Not sure who took the photo
I slept in late but managed to get down to the lobby before lunch. Again we went with Macy and her family to Jason’s Deli. After lunch, we separated ways for a little bit. During that time, I met Chris Ulmer and he interviewed me. Shortly after that interview, Camilla and I went up to the room to get ready for the group picture and the dance with the dinner. Camilla didn’t have time to style my hair before the group picture. I accidentally put on a too tight dress but didn’t have time to change into a more comfortable dress. After the group picture, Camilla and I went up to the hotel room so I could change into a more comfortable dress. Camilla styled my hair to look pretty. After I finished getting ready, I headed down to the lobby to see if Macy was there. I was about to get back on the elevator to ride up to go to the restroom when Macy got off the elevator and I made the decision to go to the closest restroom in the lobby instead. Macy and I chatted for a few minutes.

Macy and I. Borrowed from Camilla

Macy and I. Taken by Camilla’s friend

Me, Macy, and a friend. Taken by Camilla’s friend

Camilla with a few friends. Taken by a friend.

Me with one of Camilla’s friends. Taken by Camilla’s friend

Camilla with a friend. Taken by a friend

Camilla. me, and Chris Ulmer. Taken by a friend

Me with Camilla. Taken by a friend
Macy went up to ask her parents if they felt like playing Monopoly Deal. Of course, I watched. A few hours later, Macy headed up to the room with her parents so her parents could get ready. A few minutes later though, Macy came back down and she suggested we take a walk on a few hotel room floors. So we walked around on the 2nd and 3rd floor until Rebecca messaged me asking where I was. Macy and I headed back down to the lobby to the ballroom for dinner. We took our seats and many friends took pictures of us while we waited for dinner to come. After I finished dinner, I went on the dance floor for a little bit before heading to the restroom. I came back and was ready to dance more. Here are a few of the songs that played: Let It Go, We Are Family and Y.M.C.A. We danced for 3 hours straight while Macy went to bed 1 hour into the dancing. So Macy and I said our goodbyes. I was tired and could barely move or hear when the dance finally ended. So I got ready for bed and went to sleep.
July 16th, 2017:

Me and Thomas at the Riverwalk Borrowed from Camilla

Me. Taken by Camilla

Me, Camilla, and Thomas

Thomas in front of a tree. Taken by Camilla

Thomas. Taken by Camilla

I woke up late so I ended up having brunch. After I took a quick shower, we waited for the Marriott shuttle to take us near the Naperville Riverwalk. After we finished exploring,
we went back to the hotel to wait for Lyft to come pick us up and drop us off at the Chicago Midway Airport. After we went through security which was pretty quick, we 

found a spot to stand while the airplane was being prepared to board a lot of people on including us. We got on the plane and waited for the plane to take off. Once, we
lifted off I once again got honey roasted peanuts and had them with cereal and cashews. I also got a cup of apple juice. Camilla and Thomas took a nap while I watched the gorgeous sunset. After a while, I could see Reno’s highway. A few moments later we landed.



I went down the steps while Camilla and Thomas went down the escalator. We then found our luggage. After that, we headed out to our car to drive home. Once we got home, I dug out the most need items from my bag. I went to sleep in my very own bed peacefully.

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