Hey, everyone! The main characters in my story are based on my 2 friends Macy Miller and Lauren Martin. Here are some related blog posts: https://lilliandarnell.com/2018/07/09/a-brave-girl/, https://lilliandarnell.com/2019/05/10/how-macy-and-i-met/, and https://lilliandarnell.com/2019/06/01/how-liana-and-summer-came-to-be-best-friends/. I hope you enjoy!
Once years ago, there lived Macy Helens with her parents Hannah and William. Macy Helens was fearful of heights. Meanwhile, there was a younger girl named Laura Rose who lived with her parents Amethyst and Topaz.
Like Macy Helens, Laura Rose had a fear of heights as well. Macy Helens lived happily with her parents Hannah and William while Laura Rose and her parents Amethyst and Topaz also lived happily.
Until one day, Hannah and William decided to go on a hike with Macy Helens. Meanwhile, Amethyst and Topaz decided to go to a park with a hiking trail with Laura. At first, Macy Helens was terrified.
Meanwhile, Laura was a little scared but she felt very determined to accomplish this fear. As Macy and her parents, Hannah and William approached the hiking trail, a tiny bit of determination began to shine through.
Little did Laura Rose and Macy Helens know that they were in the same park with the hiking trails. Also while Laura and her parents Amethyst and Topaz approached a different hiking trail, Laura’s determination began to grow into excitement gradually.
Macy Helens just reminded herself to distract herself by looking up and around her instead of looking down as Macy Helens and her parents Hannah and William walked up the hiking trail.
Meanwhile, on a different hiking trail Laura Rose and her parents Amethyst and Topaz climbed on. Later, Macy Helens and her parents Hannah and William found an intersection.
Macy Helens and her parents Hannah and William were left with a huge choice on where to go next. While Macy Helens and her parents Hannah and William were pondering the decision, Laura Rose and her parents Amethyst and Topaz came to the same intersection from a different direction.
Macy Helens and her parents Hannah and William were very surprised to see them. As they walked together, both Macy Helens and Laura Rose were not scared of heights anymore.
By the end of the hiking trail, they were both sad but made plans to see each other in each other’s state. So Laura Rose went home happily and proudly. While Macy Helens and her parents Hannah and William went camping nearby.
The next day, Macy Helens and her parents left the campsite and went home happily rested while Macy Helens was very proud of herself.

Me with Macy and Lauren