New! Monthly Stories

Hi y’all! For For all story-lovers even authors that I know are welcome to join! This just might be inspiration for many authors out there!

Every month, I’ll give out a story including July! You can pick a genre you want me to write if you want to they’ll be right here as a poll!

Book Genres free polls 


But for now I’ll  do one for this month. By the way, type your answer of what you’ve selected for the stories in the comment box!

Reading Game

This game is so fun. It perhaps might even help you get ready for an event and more!


Circulation (also known as rotation) Reading Game

What you’ll need is:
Books (optional)

How To Play:

  1. You’ll choose a room to read in.
  2. Then repeat step number 1. (This is where the rotation comes in).
  3. While you’re in a room if you need to, grab any materials or supplies you might need.
Enjoy the game!