Book Review – Class Pets: The Ghost of P.S. 42

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What this book is about is Jake and Molly (are brother and sister mice) looking for a new home to live in when they discovered P.S. 42 but Jake was too plump to get in through a crack. Meanwhile, Molly first discovered what kind of animals lived in the school (including  Gino, a ghost) had told Molly what P.S. stood for. My favorite was when the lovebirds (who also lived in the school) were dancing in the air. Because the book said beautiful and that’s why I liked it. Molly and Jake moved from Deli Dan’s because they were old enough to leave that place. Molly and Jake had gotten too curious and got into too much trouble.

This is a chapter book and Fantasy book. The illustrations helped to show what they were doing. I liked it because the book said beautiful. It had a lot humor and emotion. People who like humor and emotion would like this book. I recommend it.

The Ghost of P.S. 42 (Class Pets) (amazon affiliate link)

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