Amazing Nature Party: The Surprises

Hey, everyone! This is part 5 of the Amazing Nature Party series. In this part of the series, you’ll read about surprises and the answers to the questions in part 4.

The nature animals and plants cheered with excitement for the nature party that began. The animals sang while the trees danced because they were excited. The special visitor was a unicorn and a special fairy called the Life and Nature Fairy.

The nature things asked, “Why is a unicorn with Life and Nature Fairy here? Is there a reason?” The fairy said, “I’m here because I’ve heard about this unique nature party. I’ve heard about the party from my good friend the animal fairy and I’ve come to help you get some more people to hear about this lovely party.”

“I’m glad you think our party is unique and lovely. We certainly could use more attention”, thought the nature party leader. So the nature fairy set off to find some people, fairies, princesses, fantasy animals, and mermaids.

One by one, the guests began to arrive. What did the guests do when they got there? That’s the end of part 5 of the Amazing Nature Party. I hope you enjoyed!

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